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Regina Sanctorum Omnium

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Hail Holy Queen of all the Saints, O Maria

All Christians lift your voices high, O Maria

Sing her praise in whose fiat bold, Word made flesh ‘twas so fulfilled

Jesu, Saviour of our race,

Salve salve salve Regina.

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Hail Counselor of good and hope, O Maria

Like thee may we do what Christ says, O Maria

So be thus to us fulfilled, ever so his will to do

ever walking in his Way

Salve salve salve Regina

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O pietas, beside the cross, O Maria

Thou saw’st the blood and water flow, O Maria

In riven side, he sealed his troth,

made new way to save our souls

washed in blood.of thy dear son,

Salve salve salve Regina.

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On Resurrection’s golden morn, O Maria

Thou saw’st him risen from the grave, O Maria

Hands and feet still wounded be, thus exhibited we see

Life and Love eternally,

Salve salve salve Regina.

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O mystic rose, O full of grace, O Maria

now crowned in glory, Queen of Saints, O Maria

pray for us, who struggle here

after this our exile’s done,

that we see thee with thy Son.

Salve salve salve Regina.