Hymn "Via, Veritas, Vita"
(based on tune of "Scots Wha' Hae Wi' Wallace Bled")
New Lyrics by Rt. Rev. David A. E. Horsman
O Lord we’ve wandered far from thee, in paths perverse we’re prone to roam
But thou in mercy sought our hearts to bring us safely home.
Jesus the Way, the Truth, the Life, ‘tis to him alone we flee.
No other path can lead us home, nor life nor truth set free
Indulgéd heart, with shallow stuff , thus thy self doth overlay.
Look to those feet that bled for thee; there hope will find the Way.
Thou, Lord, the Way, we walk with hope, obedient hearts, surrendered wills.
Thy wounded feet our yielding bought; grace cures our souls’ deep ills
Rebellious mind, thou art not God, thou art a creature meant to be
reject the devil’s evil lie; the Truth will set thee free
O proudful mind, naught that thou art, nor hast achieved can save from sin.
Christ’s riven side, his pledgéd troth, by faith can cleanse within.
Thy sins confessed are washed away; Christ died and rose to new birth thee
sweet mercy's oil, troth sealed in blood, broke body new life be
Thou Lord, the Truth, that holds in troth thy Church, as Chosen holy bride,
by faith in water and in blood that flowed from out Christ’s side.
O Lord we’ve lived for self in shame, in vaunted power, in pleasure’s thrall,
our souls have thirsted but for thee, though wounded by our fall.
Thou Lord, our Life, thy wounded hands, in love, outstretched to lift, enfold
our sinful souls, by grace redeemed, our hearts enraptured hold.
We give our troth; we take thy way, surrendered (Now our ) life to be
in death to self, a sacrifice, to live, O Lord, in thee.
Thus dead to self, we live in thee: our Truth, our Life, our only Way,
In Christ, alone, our faith, our love, our hope for God doth lay.
So shall we joined companions be of all thy saints on whom the Dove
descends to show Way, Truth, and Life in hope and faith and love.
Surrounded by such splendid crowd of witnesses, we press til on
that glorious blesséd day when our redemption's fullness dawn
Thy wounded feet, thy riven side, thy piercéd hands, abounding grace !
‘Twill bring us home, where we at last may see thee face to face
Lyrics copyright (c) 2003 David Horsman