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Title: Noon on the second day

Author: Bernie

Disclaimer: This is fiction

Rating: G implied M/M

Pairing: Daniel Alfredson / Jason Spezza

Jason has invited himself away with Daniel. Also dawn on the third day (companion piece)


Midday finds Daniel on the roof of the boathouse - the one with the best view of the lake and completely hidden from any eyes at the villa - looking into the sun and eating dessert first.


He holds the spoon out - dripping white - to Jason and watches him lick it up, his tongue curving around the metal to the treats hidden on the other side. The spoon is hot from being held unused while Daniel stares at the water. And the sweet has a metal tarnished taste that suits the day.


Vanilla has melted to mush in the heat, and they give up on the spoon and just tip the box back, drinking the melted ice cream like a milk shake instead.


The roof is corrugated iron under their hands and hot and getting hotter. Jason pokes at the rust around the nails holding the sheets down and watches Daniel's pale skin turn pink.


Jason licks his fingers and catches the dribbles on Daniel's neck, on his cheek, on his chest. It takes time to clean the mess away, the white flakes drying and tasting foul, hot and mixed with sunscreen and flaking bits of metal.


And Daniel is still sticky when Jason weasels his way into his arms and rests his own sunburn on Daniels red shoulder.


Daniel appreciates the merits of silence, and Jason is at least smart enough to kept his mouth shut, except for the odd times it really really needs to be open.


For ice cream. For salt. It's quiet and summer and Sweden and they are breaking down in the heat.




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