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symbol Julie Graham

cross-Dressed Up In Cyberspace

spacerHomespacerTaking positionspacerRedemption?spacerFluidity or Disorder?spacerJulie GrahamspacerMUDs & Drag QueensspacerPatriarchy & PowerspacerA Bigger PicturespacerEmail

One celebrated case of online gender switching is that of the 'Julie Graham' persona, a neuropsychologist who had supposedly been left severely disabled and disfigured from a car accident and as a consequence refused to meet any of her online friends in real life. Julie circulated and became popular in CompuServe's virtual communities, before setting up a women's discussion group where she befriended a number of women helping some overcome suicidal tendencies and drug abuse, and engaged in online sex.

Eventually however, the real author of Julie felt forced to admit his identity as male able-bodied New York psychiatrist Sanford Lewis... more






symbol CompuServe





April 2003, Greg Sibley