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The taste of fear is somehow sweet
not completely real . . . perhaps anticipation
of the unknown, the vivid flash of imagination

low tones, words barely whispered
against a straining ear by unseen lips
heated by desire of a slave for her Master

she answers with silence, behind the blindfold
only her heartbeat speaks of her need as it pulses hot in her neck
yet He knows . . . words unneeded, unwanted.

hot flashes of pain, a nipple compressed by strong fingers
air sucked between clenched teeth
a dark laugh echoes in the silence

the sweet bite of the clamps
over turgid flesh, throbbing, aching
satisfaction in her soul, fire in her blood

hands held firm by a leather embrace
outstretched from her sides
like a female heretic on the cross

what will He do? Giddy with curiosity
spread . . . bound by the shackles of her submission
and His iron control

the warm glide of fingers over flesh
masculine touch, the scrape of a fingernail
across captured nipples

a kaleidoscope of color
in the blackness of the blindfold
even breaths punctuated by her own gasps

"Mine," He whispers.
His voice sibilant, hissed and compelling
image of coiled snakes twined over her flesh

His hands hot, slithery, dry...
touching her femininity, claiming it as His
and she shivers in her dark prison

He worms a finger into her wetness
curled and rough inside
no gentleness . . . just fact

"your cunt is Mine" sure, calm, controlled
a stabbing finger in punctuation
claimed . . . chained.

a pinch to rounded ass-cheek
hard, stinging
nails digging into soft flesh

a whimper, like the sigh of a child
caught in the grip of a nightmare
unable to escape

sweet pain inside
but not enough, never enough
more, more, more

nipples on fire
beneath the grasp of the metal
aching, swollen, screaming flesh

a tug of the chain
quick and unanticipated
rising to her toes against the pull of leather

tears rain down
pooling against the leather
of her forced blindness

His hand probing between her legs
searching for that tiny erection
amidst the slickness of her excitement

the quick flick of a nail
knees buckle at the liquid fire
traveling through her veins

"your clit is Mine" His voice dark
as the clamp sinks its metal teeth
into her flesh once more

a scream rents the air
squirming body caught
like a butterfly beneath a collector's pins

vivid pain rising upward
tender flesh, nerve endings shriek
firing one after the other

a flogger's kiss
leather to screaming essence
heat burning inside, searing

a soul reaching out
touching another
merging, twisting, twining

as the power flows
from and to
giving and receiving

quivering thighs, tumultuous need
rising inside, calling to Him
feeding His dominion

escape into the molecules of air
gliding higher and higher
texture only a memory that touches an unfettered mind

strong hands lift and cradle
whispered words in her mind
"you are Mine . . . you are Mine"

I love you My angel