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For over a century, North American steel producers have left their day-to-day rivalries behind to work as partners and members of the American Iron and Steel Institute in furthering its mission to promote steel as the material of choice and to enhance the competitiveness of the North American steel industry and its member companies.

AISI's overall mission centers around common goals and a clear vision for the future:
  • To provide high-quality, value-added products to a wide array of customers.

  • To lead the world in innovation and technology in the production of steel.

  • To produce steel in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.

  • To increase the market for North American Steel in both traditional and innovative applications.

I specifically worked in the market development sector of AISI, promoting steel for use in transportation and infrastructure related products (bridges, pipes, water tanks, fuel tanks, corrugated steel pipe, and utility poles).

Below is a list of recent (2002-2003) projects/accomplishments completed at AISI (click on highlighted text to view a sample of the work completed):

  • Assisted in the development and editing of stories placed in several national and international publications.
  • Developed several advertisement for national utility, public works, and bridge magazines.  
Web Site
Conferences and Workshops
  • Edited and coordinated the development of the AISI Steel Bridge Newsletter – distributed to 22,000 engineers in North America.
  • Managed the development of several case studies (examples: Arizona Public Service Case Study -- Austin Energy Case Study) for construction products.
  • Managed AVISO - marketing/communications agency used to assist in the marketing of steel bridges and distribution poles.
  • Participated in the AISI Strategic Marketing Committee to develop an initiative to promote AISI benefits to member companies.
  • Created and promoted over 50 technical seminars which educated over 5,000 participants on steel design.
  • Developed partnership with the National Rural Electric Cooperative to promote the use of steel among rural cooperatives.
  • Coordinated the development of a short span bridge marketing plan, developed by Johns Hopkins University, for implementing the AISIbeam software into university curriculums.    
  • Led an initiative to provide the Environmental Protection Agency with information to support the use of steel distribution poles, as an alternative to wood, pending future regulations outlawing wood preservative chemicals.
  • Assisted in changing the Rural Utility Service Basic Impulse Lightening (BIL) specifications to decrease the size of the pole top pin needed to achieve a 300 kv BIL.
Recent Achievements
  • Promoted from Technology Transfer Program Manager to Manager of Business Development (2003).
  • Increased Web hits by over 5,000 compared to the first 3 quarters in 2001 (33%).
  • Continued use of ACTEVA, an online software registration Web site, saving approximately $5000 per year for software registration.
  • Generated over $56,000 in revenue through the Steel Bridge Forum.
  • Cut SBF costs by 172% and SDPF costs by 197%.
  • Obtained $125,000 in outside funding (non-AISI member) to support and advance the AISI Steel Utility Pole Program.
  • Developed partnerships with Rural Utility Services, International Bridge Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers and NRECA to further promote the use of steel in bridges and utility poles.
  • Users downloaded over 33,000 publications, in the past 12 months, from the T&I Web site – a 100% increase, or 17,000+ more downloads, from previous 12 months.
  • Users downloaded 1200 copies of AISIbeam, AISIsplice, and AISIpipe in the past 12 months – a 50% increase from previous 12 months.

For more information, please see the American Iron and Steel Institute's Web site.

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