25 March, 2003. 12:21am.

Fuck. I just made a really good entry, and this stupid fucking piece of shit lost it. Computers are fucking dumb. Why can't they be more like humans?

Anyway, I'm into my third very strong voddy/diet coke, and quite pissed, honestly.

So I decided that Steve should read this, so that way I wouldn't have to leave 15 minute voicemails on his phone after killing a bottle of wine by myself.

I don't drink by myself. the Lord counts as a person. If I left the "o" out if "counts" in the previous sentence, would that blasphemy, or just a typo?

Anyway, I think the original entry was about how Rachel is cool, and how I might like to poke fun at her a little bit sometimes. Maybe I could get Noel to stop being such a luddite, and get online every once in a while after she gets out of basic.

So anyway, this is my forum for being a drunken arsehole with bad grammar. I'm really enamored with this idea. I was thinking about stealing porn from someone else's website, and using it to lure people into reading my ramblings. Steve would probably show up here anyway if I promised pictures of "chicks with dicks", which is not to be confused with "dicks with chicks", which means any frat boy with a girl, or the Dixie Chicks, who are dirty Saddam loving shit heads. I'm not going to get into the war, because politicals, religion and sex are all things you shouldn't discuss while drunk, because everyone has a smelly arsehole .


............food processors are great.............


POST-AFTERTHOUGHT: I put May on the page, instead of March, if that tell you how tossed I am. I fixed it though. I think I should advertise poo.