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Saint Edward's Catholic Church (OCFI)
Orthodox Church of the Far Isles

St. Edward the Confessor

Dayton, Ohio

Monsignor Dana Lakin, Pastor

Subdeacon Rodney Smith, Parish Administrator

We are a parish of an independent jurisdiction of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church. We have valid apostolic succession through our administrating bishops.

We are liturgy centered, believe in the true presence of Christ in the sacrament of the altar, and we offer liturgy in house church worship. We hold the traditional faith expressed by Archbispop Arnold Harris Mathew. Please call us to arrange an appointment to discuss your beliefs and faith situation and how we may assist you in fulfilling membership in our jurisdiction. =====================================================

A little information on St. Edward:

Saint Edward was a very important King of England, who was called "The Confessor" because he supported the true faith expressed in the church.
He was born in 1003 ( died 5 January, 1066 ).
He was the son of King Ethelred II and Queen Emma ( the daughter of Duke Richard of Normandy).

At a very early age ( ten ), he was sent with his brother Alfred, to Normandy to be brought up at the court of his Uncle.
But the Danes had gained mastery in England, and therefore he spent the better years of his life in exile.

After Ethelred, the crown royal settled upon Canute, (with Emma's consent) and upon Canute's own offspring by her, -- thus establishing a royal dynastic line.

Early misfortune taught Edward the folly of ambition, and he grew up innocently, delighting chiefly in assisting at Mass, the church offices, and association with the religious of his time.
He was not disdaining of the pleasures of the chase, or recreations suited to his station in life, -- but he was a religious boy much commended for virtue.

Upon King Canute's death in 1035, his "illegitimate" son, Harold, seized the throne.

Hardicanute, being then in Denmark, both Edward and Alfred his brother were persuaded to make an attempt to take the crown "by force" which resulted in the death of Alfred -- who fell into Harold's hands and his death was cruel and brutal. Edward was obliged to flee back to Normandy to preserve his life and his dynastic line.

On Hardicanute's sudden death in 1042, Edward was called by acclamation to the throne at the age of forty. He was welcomed then even by the Danish settlers owing to his gentle and saintly nature.

His reign was one of almost unbroken peace.
He undertook no wars except to repel an inroad of the Welsh, and to assist Malcolm III of Scotland against Macbeth, the usurper to the throne.

Yielding to the entreaty of his nobles, he accepted as his consort the virtuous Editha, -- Earl Godwin's daughter. Having, however, made a vow of chastity, he first required her agreement to live with him only as a sister.

As he could not leave his kingdom without injury to his people, the making of a pilgrimage to St. Peter's tomb which he had vowed to make, was commuted by the pope instead to the rebuilding at Westminster of St. Peter's abbey. The dedication took place a week before Edward's death, and he was buried in the church with much ceremony.

He was canonized by Pope Alexander III in 1161. His feast is kept on the 13th of October, his incorrupt body having been solemnly translated on that day in 1163 by St. Thomas of Canterbury in the presence of King Henry II.

He is known for the many wonders and miracles which flowed after his death. He is a wonderworking saint, very powerful and faithful to those who ask his intercession.

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