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About four or five years ago, when I was in 5th grade, one of my friends and I were making prank phone calls. This was a Saturday morning tradition dating back to 1998. On this particular day we decided to prank a few people in the late afternoon. Another friend of ours found out how interested we were in these childish pranks and told us about what is now an urban legend to Huntington, WV. He told us to dial 523-2344, a local number, and ask for "John".

The response we got was quite rude. An old lady answered and when we asked for John, she cussed us out and told us to go to hell. This was very funny to us in 5th grade and still is today.

After the revelation we recieved, we continued to do this, at least twice a week, telling all of our friends. But the interesting thing was, as we kept telling people, more and more of them said they already know about this. In fact, I went to a web site made by some people I know, and this number was mentioned several times in the guest book. This is now something everyone knows.

There are so many questions we still don't have answers to, but we do know who it is that we are calling. According the March 2002-2003 edition of the Verizon Superpages of Huntington, West Virginia, the number belongs to C. L. Slusser of 118 Wilson Court. Other questions still remain, such as who was the first person to dial her phone number and ask for John? Why does she get so mad? Who is John? We may never know.