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thinkin' of these words...

makes me in love...

"Our greatest glory is not failing but in rising up 
       everytime we fail...dont compare yourself to the best
            others can do, but to the best can do"

"Go your own way,dont believe in the --"it can't be done"-- you hear 
       from the of the great pleasure in life is doing 
         those things that people say you cannot do"

"The secret of success in life for a man s to be ready for his
        oppotunity when it comes,,love and suffer
           but never learn to surrender"

"Not in your heads but in your hearts lies the strength that
         carries you on to great deeds"...a good idea is like
            a match,it's useless until you strike it into a flame. 

"Love is accepting the differences in 1 another...successful
       relationship is always a triangle, a man, a woman and 


thank you for reading my quotes