"Our greatest glory is not failing but in rising up everytime we fail...dont compare yourself to the best others can do, but to the best can do" -----textpal----- "Go your own way,dont believe in the --"it can't be done"-- you hear from the crowd...one of the great pleasure in life is doing those things that people say you cannot do" -----bro------ "The secret of success in life for a man s to be ready for his oppotunity when it comes,...live,love and suffer but never learn to surrender" -----crush----- "Not in your heads but in your hearts lies the strength that carries you on to great deeds"...a good idea is like a match,it's useless until you strike it into a flame. ------baby------ "Love is accepting the differences in 1 another...successful relationship is always a triangle, a man, a woman and GOD. -----sis------