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Our Pets


Moe and Shelby moeshelby.jpg (75400 bytes) Catsoncouch.jpg (67516 bytes)
Moe and Shelby were given to us back in April 1999, when they were just 1 month old.  They were the kittens of friends or ours.  Moe is the grey one (male) and Shelby is the female.  I basically got suckered into getting them.  What started as "going over to see the new kittens" quickly turned into "thanks for taking two of them for us."  The cats are not that  The first 6 months though was not easy.  We were told by the Vet that cats can't be de-clawed before 6 months old.  So, during that 6 month period, they put the claws to good use.  Scratching up everything (and I mean everything) they could "get their claws on."  As cats get older, they start getting bored with stuff and end up sleeping a lot.  Now, I can deal with the occasional night that they decide to play "loudly" at 2 AM. 


Buddy badbuddy.jpg (55300 bytes) buddybelly.jpg (36400 bytes) cutebuddy.jpg (58073 bytes) buddyandhanae.jpg (46813 bytes)
Buddy...I am the bad guy with this one.  Buddy and another pup were found on the side of the road one night by a friend of mine.  He couldn't keep the dogs, so he asked if we wanted one.  I should have ran out of his house after saying "NO!"  Anyway, we took Buddy (male) and got him cleaned up and then taken care of at the Vet, to make sure he was healthy.  So, now understand that Hanae and I both work basically 10-12 hours a day (at the time we got him).  With that in mind, it wasn't the best environment for a pup to grow supervision.  He was not doing anything bad...just tearing up the place with nobody their to kick his butt when he did (teach him NO!).  Finally, as we were running out of things for him to destroy and ruin, we found him a home with a Japanese family that could better take care of his "daily needs."