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"I'm takin' over the air waves, and your brain waves!"

Upon Bulk and Skull's failure in using an energy reader to find the identities of the Power Rangers, the device was transformed into BeamCaster by Lord Zedd. Unleashing hypnotic Zedd Waves from his baton, BeamCaster began controlling the minds of every person in the area. When challenged by Jason, Trini, and Zack, BeamCaster enveloped the trio of Rangers with his waves, assuming command of their minds. When Tommy, Billy, and Kimberly arrived with a device capable of freeing everyone from BeamCaster's control, the hypnotized people overwhelmed them and damaged the device. BeamCaster managed to wave Billy and Kimberly, then faced Tommy, blasting the White Ranger off his feet with various explosive devices. BeamCaster finally managed to blast Tommy, successfully gaining control of all six Rangers. However, Aisha was able to repair the device, and, with some help from Zordon, used it to free the Rangers. They returned to battle, and destroyed BeamCaster with the Power Blaster.




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