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Hydro Hog

"Water, water, everywhere, and all for me to drink."

Hydro Hog was the archnemesis of the Aquitian Rangers, their equivalent of Lord Zedd. Known as the Emperor of the Dark Waters on Aquitar, Hydro Hog always had the upper hand against the Aquitians, and was never truly defeated by them. Lord Zedd decided to summon Hydro Hog to Earth to destroy the Aquitian Rangers when they were protecting the planet in the Power Rangers' place. Though his first attempt to summon Hydro Hog was foiled by Alpha 5, Zedd's second attempt was successful, and he and Rita talked Hydro Hog into coming to Earth. Hydro Hog landed in the Angel Grove Lake, and was soon faced by the Rangers. He outmatched them in combat, then heavily dehydrated their bodies. He then began evaporating water across the globe, causing a world-wide water shortage.

Once the Rangers rehydrated, they challenged Hydro Hog again. This time, Hydro Hog used his varied arsenal to overpower the Aquitians, at which point Rita and Zedd made him grow. The Rangers summoned the Shogun MegaZord, but it was no match for Hydro Hog. When they tried to destroy him with the Fire Saber, Hydro Hog simply caught the blade and blasted the Zord into submission. When Billy sent the FalconZord to assist the Rangers, Hydro Hog was unable to stop it, and the Rangers formed the Shogun MegaFalconZord. This formation proved to be Hydro Hog's undoing, destroying the Emperor of the Dark Waters in a large explosion.




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