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"I'd heard someone lost a lantern. Well, you're in luck, I'm your replacement."

Lanterra was created, apparently by Rita, out of an Oriental paper lantern. He battled the Power Rangers in the park, though Adam didn't want to destroy Lanterra, under the impression he was created out of his family's prized lantern (he wasn't). After realizing the true meaning of his lantern's inscription, that the power lay within himself and not the lantern, Adam allowed the Rangers to attack. Lanterra outmatched the others, but Adam subdued Lanterra with an energized punch. It was then that Rita and Lord Zedd made him grow to giant size, and he faced the Ninja Zords and Ninjor. After a brief solo fight with Ninjor, Lanterra was destroyed by the Ninja MegaFalconZord's Power Punch.




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