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Mad Magnet

"You think you could stop me with something made of metal? I'M A MAGNET!"

Mad Magnet was sent by Lothor to destroy the Wind Ninja Rangers. After arriving in Blue Blay Harbor, he began magnetizing large groups of people together, then turning them into stone. He eventually came across Shane and began battling the Red Ranger, constantly taunting him about his alienating the other two Rangers. Using his magnetic powers, Mad Magnet was gaining the upper hand, bashing Shane with garbage can lids and bicycles. Eventually Tori and Dustin arrived, and after a brief fight, they formed the Storm Striker, destroying Mad Magnet. Thanks to Kapri, however, Mad Magnet was resurrected, giant-sized, and tried to smash the Rangers underfoot. The Rangers summoned their new Ninja Zords, and battled Mad Magnet again, eventually destroying him a second time with the Lion Zord. However, Mad Magnet was able to reassemble himself, forcing the Rangers to combine their Zords into the Storm MegaZord. Summoning the Serpent Sword, the Storm MegaZord used its triple-slash finishing attack on Mad Magnet, finally destroying him in a massive fireball.

Mad Magnet was later seen in the massive army of monsters released from the Abyss of Evil. He was presumably sent back into the Abyss by the ninja of the Wind Academy.




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