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Marvo the Meanie

"Here's my formula for world domination: One part Marvo, no part Power Rangers!"

Marvo the Meanie was an accidental creation of Rito Revolto's. In an attempt to use Lord Zedd's Z-Staff to turn the Ninja Rangers into monsters, Rito accidentally blasted Rocky's science teacher, Mr. Wilton, with it, and Marvo was born. Insisting that he wasn't Mr. Wilton, Marvo proceeded to pound the Power Rangers, who didn't want to fight Marvo for fear of harming Mr. Wilton. Marvo fired an energy ray from his hands that transformed Aisha and Billy into beakers of liquid. Marvo soon repeated the maneuver with Tommy, Adam, and Kimberly, leaving Rocky to face him and Rito alone. Rocky retreated, taking the liquid Rangers with him. Along with Alpha, he was able to return the Rangers to normal. Zordon explained that if they were to destroy Marvo, then Mr. Wilton would return to normal. When the Rangers returned to face Marvo, Rito made him grow. Marvo was thrashed by the Ninja MegaFalconZord's Ape Power Punch, then was destroyed by the Ape Zord's dual sword slash attack. Marvo sparked violently, then shrunk and reverted back to Mr. Wilton.

Marvo was last seen as a resident on the planet Onyx, hanging out in the Tavern, having his sword taken by Andros, the Red Space Ranger, to use against Darkonda. Much later, Marvo attended the auction of the Pink Quasar Saber, attempting to win the mighty weapon.




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