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"No one defeats Primator!"

Primator was created by Lord Zedd out of Zack's gorilla costume. Given the ability to shapeshift into any of the Power Rangers (morphed or not), Primator tried to trick Alpha 5 into taking him to the Command Center. Alpha saw through the facade and Primator attacked him, leaving him damaged in Angel Grove Park. Primator then sent Trini and Kimberly to be ambushed by Zedd Putties. Soon after this, Zordon informed the Rangers of Primator's presence, and they battled him near Angel Grove Harbor. Thanks to his shapeshifting powers, Primator overwhelmed the Rangers and sent them running back to the Command Center. Zordon discovered that if Primator saw himself in a mirror (or any reflective surface), then he would be unable to keep his disguised form and revert back to his true self. Using a handheld mirror, the Rangers forced Primator out of the form of the Green Ranger (apparently destroying his shapeshifting ability in the process). Primator grew to giant size, and was destroyed by the DragonZord and Thunder MegaZord.

Primator was last seen in Lord Zedd's graveyard dimension, where a single kick from the Pink Ranger was enough to take him out of the fight.




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