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"Rediculous! I am Repellator, impervious to your silly human sickne---ACHOO!"

Repellator was a powerful monster created by Finster to destroy the Earth for Rita and Zedd while five of the Power Rangers were off on the distant planet Edenoi. Repellator was quite a difficult fight for the lone Kimberly, who was suffering from the flu at the time. Throughout the fight, Repellator was sneezed on repeatedly by the Pink Ranger, and eventually caught her flu. Sneezing uncontrollably, Repellator was forced to return to the Palace. There, he was examined by Finster, who told him to rest in bed until he was well, but Repellator refused, insisting on defeating the Pink Ranger for Rita and Zedd. After refusing a shot with a gigantic needle, Repellator finally agreed to take two large pills, then immediately returned to Earth, terrorizing Bulk and Skull, who were masquerading as Power Rangers. Repellator was eventually grown to giant size by Lord Zedd, and soon the Rangers returned to Earth and summoned the Thunder Zords. After a fight against the Thunder MegaZord and White TigerZord, Repellator was finally slain by the Thunder Saber, glowing bright green and exploding into a massive fireball.

Weapons: None



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