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"I'm Scorpina, and I'm your worst nightmare!"

Scorpina was originally summoned by Rita Repulsa to assist the Green Ranger in destroying the Power Rangers. She immediately battled the Rangers, but was called back by Rita. She returned with a vengeance as she, along with Goldar and the Green Ranger, seemingly destroyed the MegaZord. When the Green Ranger defected to the Power Rangers, Scorpina remained under Rita's command, forming a nearly invincible team with Goldar. Together, the two were nearly unstoppable, and it often took the Rangers' best efforts to defeat them.

When Lord Zedd arrived and banished Rita, Scorpina fled. She returned soon after the Power Transfer, sent to lead Adam into an ambush. She was successful in doing so, using him and Aisha as bait to draw the other Rangers out. Scorpina and Goldar faced the White Ranger, and were soundly beaten by him. Upon growing, the two fought the Thunder Zords, and were driven off by the Thunder UltraZord. Scorpina was never seen again.





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