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"The Zords were no match for this monster. Serpentera was a celestial vehicle with a complete arsenal of weaponry. We were more than ready to defeat the Power Rangers!" - Lord Zedd

Serpentera was the massive Zord of Lord Zedd. The largest Zord in all creation, the serpentine machine was piloted by the Emperor of Evil and Goldar. First utilized to keep the Rangers from locating the Sword of Light on the Deserted Planet, Serpentera soundly defeated Tor the Shuttle Zord, then turned its energy bolts onto the Deserted Planet itself, blowing the planet to pieces. When Zedd tried to repeat the maneuver on Earth, Serpentera ran out of energy, having used all its power on the Deserted Planet, and Zedd was forced to retreat.

From then on, Lord Zedd used Serpentera repeatedly, but each time it would land on Earth, it would be challenged by Tor, and would always come up short, either running out of energy itself, or having its power drained by the Shuttle Zord. When Zedd and Rita got married, they used Serpentera to go on their honeymoon, a massive "Just Married" sign attached to the Zord's tail.

When the Machine Empire arrived, Zedd and Rita used Serpentera to escape the moon to the M51 Galaxy. When the couple returned to the moon, Serpentera was nowhere to be seen, apparently left behind in M51.

Years later, the remnants of the Machine Empire, led by General Venjix, unearthed Serpentera on the moon, apparently left burried there by Zedd at some point. With a new Neo-Plutonium power core, Serpentera's energy problems were solved, but before Venjix could use it on Earth, the Red Rangers attacked. The other Generals destroyed in battle, Venjix boarded Serpentera and took off for Earth. Unfortunately for him, Cole, the Red Wildforce Ranger, rode his Wild Rider cycle down Serpentera's throat, causing the mighty Zord to erupt into a massive fireball.

Weapons: None



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