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ARCHIVES- 12/06/03,16/06/03,23/06/03
The Story

THE PETPETS HAVE BEEN FOUND!- A mysterious giant green jelly has appeared in jelly world. Click on it to get to this page.(Thanks falerin for this one!)

Wow, a previously-unexplored area of Jelly World!
I wonder how all these petpets got here -
they must really LOVE the taste of Green Jelly!

So, does this mean the end of the mystery draws near? Don't be so sure... look at the url of this picture ( Notice the '1' at the end. My theory is that (and it's very likely I'm wrong, but here goes anyway) the url will change overtime to '2', then '3' and so on. This will mark the jelly's progress of being fully consumed. Then, when the whole jelly has gone, a huge jelly monster will emerge to destroy Neopia! (Under the control of Doctor Sloth, no doubt.) The header says, 'who wants to eat m...'. Who wants to eat my jelly, maybe? Well, it's just a theory. A long, drawnout, far-fetched theory at that, but hey it's my site- I'll post what I want to. :P
Also, just as an after thought, the header could be 'who wants to eat me'. The giant jelly could be the monster. (And the hole could be it's mouth!) Maybe.

  1. If anyone saw yesterday's Better Than You, (it involved a Kadoatie with typing problems) then you would have seen the link to it from the news page too. It said this, and don't think me retarded when I quote them- "t765frvg g fgv56 57vcxjknytykkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk;hjjmj/,.. Better Than You sdddd]04 32976ZSXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXC VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVBFB DFS0320./'.;' ;....". Notice the DFS0320 again...
  2. If you go to the Virtupets Space Station and refresh enough times, the loudspeaker will give you this message- "DFS-0320: strawberryhotdogs".
  3. Type the password strawberryhotdogs into the url of Hubert's shop, and you'll get sent to this page.

      The petpets' fortunes will soon be told.

  4. Just look how evil he looks in comparison! This is where the trail ends, for now...
    BTW, It looks as though we aren't all going to be Amanmet's slaves after all. There has been no sightings of mutant jelly armies, I repeat, no sightings...


    FOUR NEW PETPETPETS- Four new petpetpets have been unveiled today by the Neopets Team. The news only shows two of them, a 'cooty' and a 'vernax', but if you change the url then you get two more.

    We'll soon be drowning in petpetpets.
    Could the sudden rise in number mean they have something to do with the plot, or is it just a co-incidence they arrived in Neopia at the same time? Only time will tell...

    • In related petpetpet news, Lenny Conundrum messed up so they are 'keeping the current competition open until tomorrow'. And the prize is a Mootix too, the only item that could show us exactly what petpetpets actually do.
    • My white drackonack, 'Monami' has just vanished... I know he was evil, but why'd he have to go like this? Oh well, I guess now I don't feel so left out. :P
    • Usually the main text at the top of Neopet's home page says this-
        NeopetsŪ is the greatest Virtual Pet Site on the Internet. With your help, we have built a community of over 50 million virtual pet owners across the world! Neopets has many things to offer including over 120 games, trading, auctions, greetings, messaging, and much much more. Best of all, it's completely FREE!

      Well now if you refresh the page a few times the 'much much more' will get replaced with a new message. Like this-

        NeopetsŪ is the greatest Virtual Pet Site on the Internet. With your help, we have built a community of over 50 million virtual pet owners across the world! Neopets has many things to offer including over 120 games, trading, auctions, greetings, messaging, and a Mutant Jelly Army. Best of all, it's completely FREE!

      Um... Mutant Jelly Army? That's supposed to be a joke, right? If you refresh the page enough times you'll get different messages, including 'evil mutants made out of jelly!!!' and 'a green-skinned villain with a head like a chicken!' Either Neopets is making fun of the fake accounts, or there really is a mutant jelly army... Well, it's something to think about.

    • There have been 2057 visits to this site. Woohoo, that's a, uh, a lot of people!
    • Still no news on the DFS-0320 front, but visit Hubert's hotdogs again and you'll find the code has gone. Has Hubert wizened up and finally shut his mouth? Or, more likely, is the code just a red herring? Many people still believe it to be a date, which points toward tommorrow being the big day...

    NEXT CLUE- At last, conclusive evidence that Sloth is the mastermind we're looking for after all. Neopets posted this on the new features yesterday.

    "We just had a report of a shady character boarding a shuttle
    heading towards the Virtupets Space Station.
    If you see him around the site, be sure to let us know."

    Yes, it is very likely that christmas presents aren't in that sack. It's the petpets. Also notice the url of the picture-- "" --The rank 3 points towards this guy being a battledome character. Don't forget the Virtupets symbol on his left arm, which is only further evidence that the fully medically trained Sloth is behind this. If you've been left wondering about Sloth's current resisdence, click here. The Virtupet's Space Station, perhaps?

    HUBERT'S HOTDOGS- Good old Hubert, always the first NPC to snitch on Sloth's plans. Go to his store and he'll start ratting faster than a greasy rodent under attack from a broom.

    Hubert's Hot Dogs
    "Get em while they're hot!!!
    Look in sector DFS-0320"

    How does Hubert know this? Maybe he's really Sloth in disguise? I don't know. Anyway, DFS stands for 'Doctor Frank Sloth'. The 0320 could be anything, a code, a time, a door number... here's what celticflash had to say about it.
  5. "and i wonder what dfs stand for ? ... maybe dr. frank sloth ... nah ... and 03 the year ... nah ... and 20 the date of the month when we shall invade ... never"
    Yeah, that's right. Never.

    WARNING- You would probably be tempted to look up the account, 'dfs0320'. Yeah, go and do that, I'm not stopping you. But keep in mind the date it was created is today. Celticflash? Nah...

    You thought your petpet was safe, right? Think again. The little critters are still disappearing at an astonishing rate. (My Drackonack hasn't gone yet, it's still clinging to Neopet's servers for dear life... oh well). Also, it has been proven that all of your petpets can vanish. Simply because you have one left doesn't mean it'll stay that way. Just look at iluvmundayz's account to see what I mean.

    Does this have anything to do with, well, anything? Go to the neogreetings page, then choose the one that says 'bad friends'. Sloth must be taking our petpets, then leaving a rather dangerous HP sauce stain (or so we hope) in their place...

    And is that real blood?? (No, it's just a picture)

    NEWS- After numerous rumours and too many fake accounts to keep up with, Neopets are finally continuing the plot. Well, sort of. Visit the news page to get this.
    PETPETS VANISHING - Apparently more and more petpets have gone missing...
    we still have no explanation. We think we know who is behind it, but there could be no way..
    he was defeated years ago...

    So, who could really be behind this vilianous plot? Rumours are circulating like a forest on fire, but this new-sprung evidence points towards three main suspects...

    Sloth is a suspect!
    Yep, it's the guy everyone doesn't want at their party. Sloth's been behind most of the main storylines over the past years, including the infamous Space Station and the Lost Desert plots. He hasn't been around Neopia for a while, so maybe it's time he made a comeback...
    What about Wizzle?
    Sorry about the picture, I couldn't find one of Wizzle himself. For those who don't know him, I don't blame you, he's not exactly a big character in the Neoverse. If you'd like to brush up on Wizzle's history, visit the gallery of evil. (BTW, don't forget the Jelly Chia could be playing a part in this too).
    If it's the Monoceraptor I'll eat my hat
    Well, you never know. It's probably best I name all possible suspects save I get my face egged later on. Sloth and the Monoceraptor are the only characters who were defeated by Neopians years ago... but don't rule out Wizzle because I said that.

      Other suspects- These are the ones other sites don't want you to know about, for obvious reasons...
    • Nigel the Chia. Ever since the Neodaq became a household name, he has been secretly turning into a vicious, angry, power-welding meglomaniac. "More money!" he crys. So one night he snuck out and stole all the petpets to hold ransom...
    • The Beast in the Lair of the Beast. Angry at having such a long name, and never getting any attention, he has focused his fury on making sure everyone has a really horrible time...
    • Nick Neopia. When Nick got deleted from the servers, he began to create a new, fresher Neopets in the Land of the Delete. "Wicked!" First he takes petpets to his 'paradise', then the pets, then you...
    • Darigan. Uh oh... no one likes a cruel, evil dictator when they're angry, and with good reason too. Darigan didn't really die, he was just taking a loooong rest. But now he's back, and revved up for revenge...
    • Snowflake. "Awww, look at the wittle petpets! They're soooo cute! You can all be my new fwiends! Hee hee! :D" And they were never sighted ever again....
    • Ash Ketchum. Gotta catch 'em all...

      Got any theories? Post them on the message boards.

      END. Great, you made it to the bottom of the page. Now go tell everyone else about this site, okay?? (BTW- Old news gets filtered to the bottom. The newest developments are lying at the top of this dung heap).

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