This song was written on the 15th of december 2002 ( My birthday ). It was written 3 days after i split up with my girlfriend of the time. We used to be engaged, and i lived with her for about 7 months. We had been together for almost 3 years and we lived in our own house at the time, so when it ended, i was really depressed. That was a really tough time for me. At the time, she was a major part in my life, so it hurt alot, but i don't think this shows alot of what i was going through. What happened then changed my life. When i wrote this song, i was sat in 'our' old house, She had moved all her stuff out, and i felt so alone. I think i was crying when at the time, but i have blocked most of what happened out of my head and i guess no-one but me knows what happened that day.