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Abraham's Descendants


(by Hagar the Egyptian Concubine — a Hamite)


2. Mibsam
3. Massa
4. Jetur
5. Kedar
6. Mishma
7. Hadad
8. Naphish
9. Abdeel
10. Dumah
11. Teyma
12. Kedemah

(by Sarah his first wife — a Semite)


(by Rebekah) -- 1. Esau & 2. Jacob

Jacob's sons (By Leah)
1. Reuben
2. Simeon
3. Levi
4. Judah

(By Bilhah)
5. Dan
6. Naphthali

(By Zilpah)
7. Gad
8. Asher

(By Leah)
9. Issachar
10. Zebulun

(By Rachel)
11. Joseph -- (by Asenath the Egyptian) -- Manasseh & Ephraim
12. Benjamiin

(by Keturah his second wife — a Japhthaite)

1. Zimran
2. Jokshan
3. Medan
4. Midian
5. Ishbak
6. Shuah