- 12:15 P.M - Saturday, November 20th, 2004 -
- Hello, hello, hello! Whats going on everyone, nothing too much around here, just updating for once, I always tend to slack off on this thing, but oh well, it's something to do every once in a while. I'm settling in quite nice, meeting more people, and all that great stuff about moving new places. I've been working a lot too, but thats alright I guess, I would much rather do it now than 10 years from now, as I'm sure most people would. I have also decided that I have one of the best drives to work ever! I get to drive on the Pacific Coast Highway(PCH) up to Malibu, then take a road that goes through a beautiful canyon. I can't compain about that at all. I just need to get some money and time and drive up the PCH to northern Cali sometime, I've been told by many people that I would absolutely love it up there, and from what I have heard, I think they could be right. But that is in the future, maybe, right now I want to be here for a while and get some of my own personal goals accomplished before taking off from here. Maybe northern Cali, maybe Boulder, CO, who knows, I don't think I would mind either one. Well, I am out, things to do, take care everyone!
- Currently Listening To: Ambionic - My Own Sky
- 8:23 P.M - Friday, September 10th, 2004 -
- Well, it has been a long, long time since I touched this thing! I'm finally
living in LA, Santa Monica actually. It's hard to believe I've already been here
for 3 weeks tomorrow! I work for a cool company called Band Merch. It's not the greatest job right now, I work in the warehouse, but hopefully I'll move into the office or find a different job at a label or something along those lines. It's definitely weird being away from Indiana and all my family and friends, but I love it out here. If you are reading this, and ever want to visit, just let me know. My new email is jeff_spellmeyer@yahoo.com, so feel free to mail me and stuff. I can't wait to get on my feet financially to start going to concerts, its gonna be great! I need to get going, take care everyone, and I miss all you guys back home!
- Currently Listening To: Jimmy Eat World - Drugs or Me
- 9:40 A.M - Monday, June 28th, 2004 -
- Well, I don't know, June has been a great, great month! I went out to LA to visit a sister's friend, as well as a bunch of people I have met over the years through the music promotion stuff as well as my job at UMVD. I also had the great opportunity to work at Bonnaroo this year and make a ton of money, especially since my job consists of working one or two days a week, working about 3-4 hours each shift. I also went up to Phish at Deer Creek, but it was sold out, therefore I couldn't get tickets for it. I'm heading to Kansas City this weekend to sell ice cream at an air show, it kind of sucks, but I need all the money I can get this summer, because, I'M FINALLY MOVING TO LA IN AUGUST!!! I'm also trying to hit up the 2 last Phish shows ever in Vermont in August before I leave, but we'll see what happens with that. I've been listening to Death Cab For Cutie a lot recently, so you should all check them out as well. Thats about it, take care everyone, peace...
- Currently Listening To: Death Cab For Cutie - "Transatlanticism"
- 11:45 A.M - Saturday, May 15th, 2004 -
- Heh, two months, end of my college career, go figure me not updating this damn site! Anyways, I'm DONE FOREVER!! I graduated last weekend, didn't walk or anything, but I still graduated, with my best semester GPA since I was like a freshman in high school! Anyways, this summer holds all kinds of possibilities, but I don't have a job yet, and that kind of puts a damper on anything right now. I did get tickets to see Incubus in July, and I'm supposed to go to Phish, Lollapalooza, and anything else coming my way. I'll be heading out to sunny California in about 3 weeks or so, and I'm really pumped for that, should be a great time. Catching up on some deserved relaxation time, meeting some people I've know for 6+ years that I have never met, and just having a bunch of fun, maybe throw in some job interviews since I want to move out there around August sometime. Anyways, it's been a great 4 years here at IU, I can't believe it is already over, time flies when you are having fun, and I think I managed to have a little bit of fun(can you smell the sarcasm?) But I'm out, I have to go talk to a dude about a summer part-time job. Take care everyong, peace...
- Currently Listening To: Shun - "Piece By Piece"
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Email: jeff_spellmeyer@yahoo.com