This Template is provided for free by Supreme Templates.com.
In order for you to use this template free you have to provide a link back to our site
Supreme Templates.com.
This template comes with all the HTML & images. It's totally set up and ready to go! If you would like to remove the link
back that keeps this template free we charge a $20 licences fee to use it without the link back. You can pay this fee
Pay Pal. Our Pay Pal email is deonya22@yahoo.com in the subject
line include this (Supreme Temp2 / Remove Link Please). On receiving payment we will also send you the original design file
[Adobe Photoshop .psd, Macromedia Flash .fla] in a zip file to the address that you give us, make sure its a working email add. we will only
send it once.
Log online & click the buy now button to buy a licence for this template!
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