TooManyPunkNames: Hey
hockeybaby007: who is this
TooManyPunkNames: the question is who is this?
hockeybaby007: someone i have talked to today obviously
TooManyPunkNames: well, maybe not
TooManyPunkNames: do you like cheese?
hockeybaby007: ok yur gay
TooManyPunkNames: The question is are you gay?
hockeybaby007: yes
TooManyPunkNames: Is this Tiffany??
hockeybaby007: yes i a m
hockeybaby007: yes this is
TooManyPunkNames: or sara?
hockeybaby007: yes it is
TooManyPunkNames: wow
TooManyPunkNames: i love you
TooManyPunkNames: I want to screw you!
hockeybaby007: i love you2
hockeybaby007: i know!
TooManyPunkNames: can I punch you tomorrow or wil you just slit your wrists?
hockeybaby007: o this is jessica
TooManyPunkNames: No actually its not
hockeybaby007: or her friend
TooManyPunkNames: No its not
hockeybaby007: ok
TooManyPunkNames: I just think its fucked up that you can say that to soemoe you dont even know
hockeybaby007: ok well i dont put stuff like that on my away mess. sorry
TooManyPunkNames: Well, its not even your buisness
TooManyPunkNames: so shut the hell up
hockeybaby007: ok well why are you talkin me
TooManyPunkNames: becuz
TooManyPunkNames: I think its fucked up that you can say that yo my cousin and you dont even know her
hockeybaby007: well for your information: your stupid!
TooManyPunkNames: She didnt do anything to you
TooManyPunkNames: I know I am
TooManyPunkNames: but your a dumb ass bitch
TooManyPunkNames: so shut the hell up
hockeybaby007: hey why dont you go bak to jerkville population: you
TooManyPunkNames: okay that was just dumb
TooManyPunkNames: and the only one being a jerk is you
hockeybaby007: yur just dumb jerkville liver
TooManyPunkNames: I bet youdont even know jessi huh??
hockeybaby007: yes she used to be goin out w/ tony ammereman
TooManyPunkNames: yeah well is that the only way you know her?
TooManyPunkNames: did you know tony used to cut too?
TooManyPunkNames: yeah thats what I thought
hockeybaby007: yes i do
hockeybaby007: too
hockeybaby007: but you eat poop 4 dinner!
TooManyPunkNames: I know I do
TooManyPunkNames: I think you should just shut up
hockeybaby007: i didnt mean it literally
hockeybaby007: yopu fool
TooManyPunkNames: well I mean it literally
hockeybaby007: well in that case.....
TooManyPunkNames: Maybe just maybe you should stop all this shit cuzz your gonna get your ass chicked by jessi then your gonna get your ass kicked by me
hockeybaby007: chicked??? never heard of that but maybe...just maybe but besides the fact that i am 500 lbs.
TooManyPunkNames: I meant kicked** stupid ass. I dont sit on the computer all day like your fat ass
TooManyPunkNames: and I dont care
TooManyPunkNames: I would still kick your ass
hockeybaby007: well you would get lost in all my rolls
hockeybaby007: i got more rolls then a pastry truck
TooManyPunkNames: probably. stupid cunt ass whore dirty slut cock munch!
hockeybaby007: shit fuck bitch ass whore slut cock cunt ....
hockeybaby007: and yur a dummy
hockeybaby007: head
hockeybaby007: thing
hockeybaby007: ya know
TooManyPunkNames: well the first thing you said... thats a little bit of a song from Blink. but you mixed it up a bit
TooManyPunkNames: STUPID WHORE
TooManyPunkNames: DIE BITCH
TooManyPunkNames: I'm gonna hurt you!
TooManyPunkNames: I'm gonna take a knife to your throat and watch you bleed!
hockeybaby007: whats you and your cousins obsession w/ cutting?
TooManyPunkNames: I dont have an obession w/ cutting. I like to kill people. I'm gonna kill you not cut you
hockeybaby007: well knives involve cuttin bud...
TooManyPunkNames: bud!! WHO HAS BUD!!
hockeybaby007: yur poopy
hockeybaby007: w/ a non cutting knife
TooManyPunkNames: I'm a fucking anarchist! BIATCH!
TooManyPunkNames: oh that was good
TooManyPunkNames: props yo
TooManyPunkNames: well your a stupid poseur bitch who likes avril and likes new found glory huh!?
hockeybaby007: of course
TooManyPunkNames: go listen to thursday bitch they might care about your crying fat ass beggin for cup cakes
TooManyPunkNames: hwy tanya nelson werd up G dawg?!
hockeybaby007: yeah shizzle yo
TooManyPunkNames: dude your dumb and a stupid poseur bitch. me and jessi can get the mafia on you in 2.5 seconds bitch. they will kill you, your family and your lttle dog!
hockeybaby007: whats with you and the word poser
hockeybaby007: foo
TooManyPunkNames: its not poser. Its poseur. and its a way to describe someone foo
hockeybaby007: you are soooo gay
hockeybaby007: hehe
TooManyPunkNames: no my dear. you are soooo gay.
TooManyPunkNames: hockeys for pussy.
hockeybaby007: what do you play then
hockeybaby007: gayass
TooManyPunkNames: uhh no thats not even a sport. I play football, soccer, and lacross
hockeybaby007: those are for pussies.. pussy
hockeybaby007: pussy
hockeybaby007: pussy
hockeybaby007: pussy
hockeybaby007: pussy
hockeybaby007: pussy
hockeybaby007: pussy
hockeybaby007: pussy
TooManyPunkNames: pussy haha I have one of those. but you have a penis
hockeybaby007: no that is just one of my rolls
TooManyPunkNames: I bet
TooManyPunkNames: well if you got rolls you cant be on a hockey team. they like people who are FIT

hockeybaby007: you makin fun of fat black women now?
hockeybaby007: im goalie duhhhhhh
TooManyPunkNames: hell yes
TooManyPunkNames: I'm racist
TooManyPunkNames: I'm the next Hitler
hockeybaby007: damn you to hell
hockeybaby007: bitch
TooManyPunkNames: I already got tickets to hell bitch
hockeybaby007: haha, ur funny
hockeybaby007: hehe