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Letter to the Hypocrites


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Diving Okinawa

Operation Balikatan 02

  The Phillipines


Ulchi Focus Lens 02

A Few Shots From the Field

Miscellaneous Photos of Friends








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    This website is to be in conjunction with my live journal at Any views you may have in regards to what is posted on this website should be expressed either there or via email. The purpose of these two sites is to increase awareness of current events and the political climate of the world.

    My travels have taken me throughout a good portion of Asia, The United States, and some of Central America. I have met and become friends with many people in many parts of the world, and one thing I have learned is that with communication and exposure to different ideas and beliefs, it is easier to be more understanding on both sides of an argument. We can face and deal with the issues that seem to plague us. All we need to do is be more aware of  the current state of affairs in the world. Throw away your inhibitions and your prejudices and look at these problems as problems that we can all come together to solve.

   This site will be mostly devoted to current political and environmental issues. Feel free to voice your opinions, and if there is anything that particularly interests you that you would like to see on this site, you may either email me or make a suggestion on my livejournal.





Angeles City, PI April 2002

Picture taken in Semisan, Thailand during June of 2002

Picture taken in Angeles city, Philippines during April of 2002

Picture taken in Pohang, Korea during operation Ulchi Focus Lens. September 2002

Web page created by R.L. Johnson Jr. Last updated on April 24, 2003 Okinawa Japan