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The Highbourne Alliance

We are the Highbourne Alliance, Based in Oregon, The last alliance of elves, and anyone of any race that wants to help, dedicated to ending Lord Gruad's reign over Earth. Lord Gruad was a powerful wizard of the Council of Light, who kept Kings from taking over land beyond their limits, But at one point Gruad became King of Atlantis, With all of this power and knowledge he expanded is empire, and even at this time Lord Gruad was still mortal, though in his older years after forming his empire. Once on a Conquest, Lord Gruad came in contact with one of the gods of the Lloigor, Simmilar to the Legion, these are viscious demons, and we still do not know which god approached Lord Gruad. This demonic god told Gruad to take his chosen and then destroy Atlantis, In order to get rid of all the knowledge held within. Lord Gruad did so, And transcended into a god. He called his chosen the illuminated ones, or the illuminati (masons). The Highbourne were the only race to stand up against Gruad, They fought valliantly, but unfortunately their King lost in combat against Gruad. As an act of protection, the Council of Light put up a veil, blocking all magic, unfortunately the Masons found a way around this. We seek to fight again, take down the veil, and win the war. This time the Alliance wont fail. To join the alliance, e-mail

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Some websites to consider

OBOD Druid Organisation