Chapter one

The young Italian girl of about seventeen leaned sleepily on the edge of the large Three-story bedroom window looking at the people below; long sand brown hair fell lovingly over her shoulder and down her back and ended at the brim of her pants (her hair was quite long) the sun played off her golden tan skin which in turn hugged her perfect curves, her deep green eyes laid beneath slanted cat like bolls just under arched eyebrows. Antonietta Castellano was the strikingly beautiful Child of Paul Castellano the head boss the Dorato Crime family (it more or less meant the golden family) Antoni’s sigh was barely even audible over the offensively loud opera music that bombarded through the 200-year-old cold marble home. She looked across the street at the kids her age sitting on the curb smoking and laughing. And she realized, as a very strong ‘fuck’ from the fight down stairs climbed past the music to her ears, that she wanted desperately to be like them. She looked down at her three hundred dollar shirt and eight hundred dollar jeans she wore and the sixty dollar pedicure and shook her head even if I had the chance I could never be like them she pushed off the deep red window frame and padded across the icy marble floor to her door. She leaned out past its protective frame and yelled to her father and his guest that here standing, screaming at each other in the living room “chiuda la vostra bocca fucking” (shut your fucking mouth) and slammed the door. She went to her king size down bed with sheepskin blankets and flopped down. She hated this place more then anything. Peter, her brother; a thick strong boy three years younger then she, through open her door and flashed her a metal smile and laughed “you know you shouldn’t talk to Papa like that, you goanna get that mug of yours slapped” Peters accent was a bit thicker then her own but not by much, and it was only because she fought it so. “what’ a they goanna do hu’ tell me to keep it down, Dad’s goanna kill him latter and dump his body in a lake or something any way so what’ a I care” she pulled her covers from under her butt and the replaced them at her chin and rolled over, so she could no longer see the open door, she was now looking at a hand painted picture of her and her two brothers. She sighs I hate the picture she closes her eyes, and even though she knew her door was still open she didn’t look over at her brother she really didn’t feel like talking to anyone. Mean while peter stood just outside her door rambling in Italian to someone, one of his greasy little friends or something, normally she would say something nasty about there mothers but this morning she wasn’t in to mood to pointlessly bicker so she pulled her heaviest down pillow over her head and sighed. Antoni was seconds from sleep when a familiar smell reached her nose. Her eyes flicked open and her smile turned on “you’s look like an angel, even covered in pillows and blankets” Antoni exploded out from under her covers and landed on the boy hugging him as if he had just saved her life “LEONE!!!!!!!” she squealed burring her head into the crook of his neck. Leone lovingly wrapped his arms around her and kissed the side of her head “ther there my little dove, how’s it going” Leone slowly combed his thick muscular fingers through her hair. Leone was the kind of guy you look at and think him to be a slut. He was around six-two one hundred and ninety seven pound and not one ounce of it fat. He was extremely buff and cut like he was made of stone. He had a square shaved head, deep crystal hazel eyes and a flat nose. He was extremely attractive. He looked even better in the black suite with the burgundy silk shirt underneath the three top buttons hung open and the undone black silk tie. She hugged him tighter never ever wanting to let him go. She never really got ot see him he was always out on jobs with her dad or out with his friends and he lived thirty minutes or so from her own home and it was extremely inconvenient for her to see him. They were still in love with each other, well at least she was. the half truths and hole lies that lined there relation ship was really getting old. She was sick of them and was questioning weather or not all the tears and pain was worth it at all. But for now he was there holding her and she wasn’t going to bring it up; she never did. But she was happy at the moment which was rare so fuck very thing else she was going to enjoy it. “what are you doing here hun’ did you drive all the way out here to see me” the smile on her face was starting to hurt her cheeks. “na’ not this time kid” he ruffled up her hair a little “I was on my way over to the ware house and had to drop off some paper and your father was doing something so I thought I would say hi” Well that didn’t last long did it. Antoni nodded and pushed back a tear as she lay back down. Her boyfriend of 4 and half years hadn’t stopped by to see her, if her father hadn’t been yelling at someone he would never have come up to see her at all. Why had she gotten her hopes up, Leone had stopped treating her like he loved her almost a year ago. And he never did anything nice for her because he was having fun and that was all that mattered to him. She was just a side note he read if there was nothing else to do in the world. “What’s the matter” he said placing a heavy hand on her thigh. Antoni simply shook her head and laughed, “your never going to change are you Leone” she forcefully slips her hand under her cheek and looks over out the window at the clouds and wishes she was in them. “Damn it Antoni what the hell do you want from me hu?” Antoni said nothing “Jeezz kid, I have a life ok, there are things I have to important people I have to see ok” she flew up and cut him of “fuck you Leone, ok fuck you. I am the least important person on your list ok and I am sick of it. You come to my home and never say two words from me. Four years ok four years and I see you less then I see my gynecologist Leone. You’re a dick and I hate you. Get the fuck out of my room and my life, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out jerk.” She looked coldly into his eyes unblinking and strong, she was pissed. “you little bitch you cant talk to me like that , I am a fucking man” he took a step closer but didn’t get to close before she pulled a glock out form under her pillow and cocked it “get out” she was strong and unwavering she was no longer going to play his games “when you can treat me like your fucking girl friend and not a booty call we can talk’. And with that he left and she went to sleep as if nothing had happen. This was how life was played in the Castellano family. The large marble home seemed a tad colder after he left, and she felt a bit more alive.