Goku and Gojyo
Now here's the deal. If you want to use this on your site, please please PLEASE link back. Yes, and I know that some of these are used in the anime, but they were so cool that I couldn't resist... XD
I'll add more when I feel like it, ok?
Goku crying with happiness! Kawaii!
AWW! Little chibi RPG style Sanzo-ikkou vs Homura-taichi!! ^^
Homura vs Sanzo!! (AWW! Look at Sanzo!) ^^
Shien vs Sanzo!! (Shien looks so cute for some reason!!) ^^
Zenon vs Sanzo!! ^^ (note the kawaii xtra spikey hair!! ^^)
Shien vs Gojyo!! ^^ (NANI?! He's been KOd??!)
I dunno why, but I love this piccy... maybe cuz we get to see Sanzo's long, slender neck... XD
WHOO! A great moment in Sanzo x Goku history! Sanzo ruffles Goku's hair!
HomeSaiyuki is the property of Minekura Kazuya,
Enix, Saiyuki Project and TV Tokyo,
not this insane, crazy fangirl.
This is only a fansite, so
you can't sue me. :P