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You know you're obsessed with Saiyuki when...

The classic list that you will find on ALL my sites. Heh, too bad for you. :P Thankfully I haven't done ALL these things yet, but afraid...


*You start dressing up in robes, and wear a black undergarment underneath. (I actually made one!!)
*You carry around a toy gun, and say "This is a demon banishing gun."
*You whack people on the head with a paper fan.
*You put a red dot on your forehead.
*You get 3 friends, and make a journey to the west...when all you've really done was walk to the other side of the school. :P
*You're ALWAYS hungry.
*You can spot the similarities between DBZ and Saiyuki. (See Misc Saiyuki stuff)
*You wear a glass over your left eye.
*Your mum/dad/sibling grounds/beats you up cuz you broke a pair of his/her sunglasses to make that glass over your left eye.
*You chain yourself to a rock.
*You grow your hair long then dye it red. (Next year, I'm cosplaying as Gojyo!)
*You make a staff-with-crescent-shaped-blade weapon out of aluminium foil.
*You start chanting like there's no tommorow. :P
*You write 'love' and a love heart on your left arm. (Goku did in the opening scenes! You can see 'LOVE' and a little love heart on his arm if you look hard enough!)
*You buy a toy dragon, name it Hakuryu, and replace it with a toy jeep when it 'transforms'. o_O
*You wear ear cuffs, or a gold headband everywhere. When you wear it at school, and the teachers tell you to take it off, you say you can't or you'll turn into a demon, and you'll kill everyone in sight.
*Your teachers believe you. o_O
*You call your friends 'Stupid monkeys'. (I already do that.)
*When it's time to eat, you stuff your food into your mouth as fast as you can.
*When you go to the temple, you shout "SANZO!!!" as loud as you can with hopes that Sanzo will appear. (Note to self: Next time I go to the temple I will do that.)
*You yell "Nyoibou!" and expect a staff to appear in your hands.
*While cleaning the classroom, you start swinging the broom around, pretending it's the Nyoibou. (Yeah, I did that today, the teacher threatened to chuck me out)
*You buy a really expensive magazine because it mentions Saiyuki. Note I said mention. Not even a full article.
*You climb to the top of a cliff/hill with 3 friends and say "Goku, Gojyo, Hakkai. We go the west." and point to your house.
*You name your pillow (insert fave character's name here). *huggles Sanzo pillow*
*Half your character's names on an Online RPG are Saiyuki character's names. (I have 3! Kougaiji, Jien and Zenon...)
*When your friends ask for names for the RPG, you give them a Saiyuki character's name. (Kanzeon...)
*You dream about them.
*You read articles about Saiyuki on the internet, and run around screaming.
*When you realise Japan is getting something Saiyuki before you, you hit your head on the wall as hard as you can. (*hits head*)
*When you say that you love Sanzo, some people actually believe that Sanzo is a real person...o_O (That really happened. I can't believe how stupid my friend is.)
*You scream at ANYONE who disses Saiyuki or your fave pairing.
*You block someone on your msn cuz you refuse to share your fave character with them. Actually, it's all THEIR fault. They were the ones who didn't wanna share with you!! (*hugglez Sanzo-plushie*)
*The major thought in your brain is 'Saiyuki... must... get...'
*You get UBER pissed at your local anime shop cuz they either didn't have Saiyuki, or they had all the Saiyuki stuff you already had.
*4 words: Bedroom full of posters.
*You celebrate the characters bdays.
*You spend ages making crazy lists like this one!
*You write too much fanfiction...
*You start making random parodies of random stories, replacing them with Saiyuki characters.
*You don't need to look for pics on the net anymore. You HAVE all the pics there are.


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Saiyuki is the property of Minekura Kazuya,
Enix, Saiyuki Project and TV Tokyo,
not this insane, crazy fangirl.
This is only a fansite, so
you can't sue me. :P