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Putrajaya is the new Administrative center for the Federal Government which epitomizes the Government's vision of Malaysia into the 21st century with the latest infrastructure and high technology facilities. Putrajaya embodies the country's green heritage and allows its Malaysian soul and spirit come alive through the city's design and architecture.



Putrajaya covers an area of 4,932 hectares of lush gardens, parks lakes and a wetland area.
Geographical Information
Putrajaya is located 25km out of Kuala Lumpur, 20km from the International Airport and 15km from Cyberjaya (Malaysia's Multimedia Super Corridor)
Bahasa Malaysia is the official language, with English widely spoken.
350,000 in Putrajaya
Time Difference
Local time is 8 hours ahead of GMT



Valid passports and a health certificate of vaccination against yellow fever are required if traveling from an infected area. Citizens of Commonwealth countries (except India), Ireland, Switzerland, Netherlands, San Marino and Liechtenstein do not need a visa to visit. Immigration requests that your passport be valid for at least 6 months. Sabah and Sarawak are treated like any other countries, and you will have to go through customs there, both from Peninsula Malaysia and between the two states. On arrival, the most common visa will be for 30 days. If you wish to extend your stay, and are from one of the countries enjoying diplomatic relations with Malaysia, then you may do so at any immigration offices.



The ringgit, also known as the Malaysian dollar, is the Malaysian currency. 1 dollar equals 100 cents. Money and travelers cheques can be exchanged at banks and moneychangers. Credit cards are widely accepted in hotels, departmental stores and restaurants. Cash however is needed in rural areas.

Use the Currency Converter to check the exchange rate that corresponds to your local currency.


Some shops add a 5% tax. Certain food and beverage outlets will also charge an additional 5% to 10% service tax.



Banks and Government offices:
Banks in each state observe the same hours as their Government offices. All Government offices and Banks are closed on the first and third Saturday of each month.
In the three states of Kedah, Kelantan and Trengganu Government offices are open Saturday to Wednesday and Thursday mornings. The offices are closed Thursday afternoons and the whole day of Fridays. The office hours are from 8 am to 4:15 pm on full days and 8:15 am to 12:45pm on half days. These hours apply to all states. In the other states, Government offices are opened Monday to Friday and Saturday mornings. Banking hours are 9:30 am to 4:00 pm on full days and 12 noon on half days.

Commercial offices and businesses are opened from 9 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday and 1 pm on Saturdays. Do note that hours for commercial and businesses may differ slightly in some areas.
Shops (Hours vary):
Most shops and departmental stores in major towns are open from 9 am till 10 pm, Monday to Sunday.
Lightweight clothing is ideal with sweaters for the high land areas. A shirt and jacket is normal office attire and a suit and tie for formal occasions is widely accepted. For rural areas, dressing modestly is advisable.




Month Average Temp oF(oC) Humidity
Jan – Dec Average of 89oF / 32oC Malaysia has an equatorial climate with uniform temperatures throughout the year. Temperatures are slightly cooler in the highlands in the evenings. Malaysia's seasons follow the seasonal winds, with splash rains inland from September to December on the west coast of the peninsula. Rain tends to be overtaken by sunshine within the hour or so. Rainfall averages 85.8 inches (220 centimeters) a year.



Travellers have little to worry in terms of health standards, Malaysia is ranked amongst the highest in Asia. Water in the cities is generally safe to drink and bottled drinks and mineral water are widely available. Tap water in the hotel is safe to drink and if desired, may be boiled prior to consumption using the facilities in-room.


Metric, though the traditional systems are in use.


220 – 240 volts with 50 cycles AC are available. Plug fittings must be three pin square.


GSM, PCN, Analog



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