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My Friend Ela

"The only way to have a friend is to be one"
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Te strone dedykuje dla mojej najdrozszej Eluni.
"Mala" nie bede za duzo pisac ,slowa sa tak nieudolne.
Rozumiemy sie bez slow, jak za dawnych lat.

Dla mnie jest najwazniejsze, ze odnalazlysmy sie po tylu latach.
Nigdy nie stracilam nadziei, ze Cie odnajde.
Moje marzenie sie spelnilo.
Mam Cie znowu w moim zyciu.
Chwala"naszej klasie"

Dystans jest bez znaczenia.
Nie wazne gdzie jestes.
Na zawsze pozostaniesz w moim sercu.
Twoja Wandzka

Every now and then
We find a special friend
who never lets us down...

Who understands it all
reaches out each time we fall
you're the best friend i have found...

I know you can't stay
a part of you will never ever go away
your heart will stay.....

I'll make a wish for you,
and hope it will come true,
if life will just be kind,
to such a gentle mind,
if you lose your way,
think back on yesturday
remember me this way,
remember me this way.

I don't need eyes to see
the love you bring to me,
no matter where I go
and I know that you'll be there
forever-more a part of me and everywhere
I'll always care.....

I'll make a wish for you
and hope it will come true,
if life will just be kind,
to such a gentle mind,
and if you lose your way
think back on yesturday
remember me this way,
remember me this way.

and I'll be right behind your shoulder,
watching you
I'll be standing by your side, all you do
and I won't ever leave
as long as you believe,
you just believe....

I'll make a wish for you
and hope it will come true
if life will just be kind
to such a gentle mind
and if you lose your way
think back on yesturday
remember me this way
remember me this way.
this way.

Created with love by Wanda

February 10, 2010

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