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Rita's Page

Welcome to Rita's Page There have been many friends that have come into my life, but none quite like you Rita
You have been there for me no matter what I have had to deal with..
You have been there with an open mind and and open heart,
Giving me advice and a shoulder to cry on
No one in this world could take the place of you Rita, my one true friend.
We don't visit often , yet in spirit, I feel as close to you as a real sister
Thank you for being you Rita...thank you for all you have taught me and all of your patience.
I still don't know how to speak English or better yet I cannot shut up now. Kidding....Not

We have been through alot since we met..huh?
There will be many more years of laughters and tears and I will be there for you, no matter what.

Sending lots of love and hugs your way
With love always your friend forever
"Polish Princess"

Created with love by Wanda

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