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Welcome to the summary of oromo peoples history and culture. The purpose of this web is to provide readers with online resource on oromo history and culture and particularly to let oromo youngsters know what their fore fathers used to be. I've provided a number of resources here to help you resolve problems using this information for example to write some thing about oromo people in case you couldn't find the suggested books, report bugs, and suggest improvements to MY WEB.

Even though I started working on this page several months ago, the aspiration to write some thing  about  oromo peoples grew up in my mind since I realized the oppression oromo peoples had faced and facing for a century. 

I built this page because I taught  that when we pick up one end of the stick we pick up the other. 

Together we stand we can make a difference!

The only place freedom comes with out blood is on books and internet.

 I Welcome any criticism from every body about my web and I want to apologize to readers because some of the articles are extra long.

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