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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial

Broken Heart

This is just a little tut I put to gether....the graphic belongs to


The animationn is mine and you are welcome to use it and share it with others and link back to my page

.......Enjoy him....he's a cutie

....Let's begin......


are all you will need for this tut

Open supplies in PSP...Open the font and shrink it to the taskbar......close off all layers except the text layer

Click on text layer and add type your name...I used is flubber and it is with your supplies

Size 48...antalias and floating checked......type your ok

Now if you have eye candy 3...just use the Glass and with these settings apply

If you don't have eye candy just put an inner bevel on it with these settings

Looks just as none...layers>merge

OK, now we gotta put the text right on top of his mouse and place the text on his it so it looks like he is holding it up

Ok, re name it text and close it off...drag it to the bottom for now

Duplicate mouse...drag to bottom just above the text layer...close off original.....duplicate val text...close off the original...drag to on top of the mouse...layers>merge...close off and re name

Duplicate mouse...close off original...drag down to above last layer...duplicate val2...close off original... drag down to above mouse...layers>merge...close off and re name

Duplicate mouse...close off original...drag down to above last layer...duplicate val 3...close off original...drag down to above mouse...layers>merge...close name

Duplicate mouse...close off original...drag down to above last layer...duplicate val 4....close off original...drag down to above mouse... layers>merge....close off and re name

Duplicate val 5 ...close off original...drag down to above last layer...layers>merge... close off and re name

Duplicate mouse...close off original...drag down to above last layer...duplicate broken 1...close off original.... drag down to above mouse...duplicate text...drag up to under the mouse...layers>merga... close off and re name

Duplicate mouse...close off original...drag down to above last layer....duplicate broken 2....drag down to above mouse.... duplicate text...drag up to under mouse...layers>merge...close off and re name

Duplicate mouse...close off original...drag down to above last layer...duplicat broken 3... close off original....drag down to above mouse...duplicate name close off original...drag up to under mouse... layers>merge...close off and re name

Duplicate smile...close off original...drag down to above last layer....duplicate text...close off original... drag up under smile...layers>merge...close off and re name...layers duplicate and re name..

That's all there is to this one....

Now we will take into all layers and save as

open animation shop and find your it and lets re size now ...edit>select all

Hit the crop button and click options>click surround opaque ok...edit select all....animation re size to 300...still alittle big so you can make it even smaller if you wish

No again edit>select all...animation....frame properties set at can play with this... right click on last frame and frame properties set at 100

Hit the animation and watch his heart break

I hope you had fun with this one.

.....Thanks for trying my tut......any problems just e mail me
