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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial
Let's Light Up!

This tag is made by me and I made it last christmas and I thought it was time to tut it for this year...

This tut is written in PSP7 but can be done in PSP 8 also, the text filling will not work in PSP 9

Written by ©Dorothy


Tag by Dorothy



Open your template in the font and shrink it to task bar...

Close off all layers except the bottom layer

Add a new layer and with the text tool .....stroke set at null... fill set at red...size set at 60(manually add 60) ... type your name..... select none...add a new layer and flood fill with white...and drag it under the text layer .with the text layer the active layer ...with the magic outside the text... make the flood fill layer the active layer and hit delete .... click inside any letters that have white filling,such as O,A, R ,go back to the flood fill layer and delete....... selections>select none...with all other layers closed off...except the text layer and the flood fill layer....layers>merge... re name text...

open the other layers and drag the text layer under the cat so the pillow is resting on the letters....

done with this part. .the rest is a cake walk

Now for the work part


Now you have the text made, make a folder on the desk top to save all your images

When we move the mouse we will move it like so**Highlight the mouse layer...hit the de form tool and with your ctrl key held down and using the arrows to the right of the keyboard...move the mouse**....I won't be putting this in all my layers...just "move the mouse"

1)Open ...text layer 1 layer...plug layer......with the plug layer hightlighted...erase the plug cord from the text....layers>merge... save to your folder.....image 1...back in the undo button

2)Open the mouse layer and have him just peeking on to the canvas...layers> as image the undo button

3)With the mouse layer highlighted...move him onto the canvas...layers> as image the undo button

4)Move the mouse about 1 mouse length...layers> as image 4...undo

5)Move the mouse about 1 mouse length...layers> as image 5...undo

6)Move the mouse about 1 mouse length...layers> as image 6..undo

7)Close off cat cat 2....Move the mouse about 1 mouse length...layers> as image 7...undo

8)Move the mouse about 1 mouse length...layers> as image 8..undo

9)Close mouse mouse him holding the plug.....layers> as image 9....undo

10)Close cat 2 cat 3......delete plug 2 ......with the mover tool move the plug and the mouse so the plug just rests on the frame ...don't plug it in yet.........erase any wire showing on the text.....layers>merge as image 10...undo

11)Close cat 3....Open cat 4......delete plug plug 3....... erase wire on the text....plug the plug into the wall......move the mouse onto the plug..... ....duplicate text layer...close off original and name this text 2.... .go to colours>adjust brightness and colour... set the brightness at 80 and leave the contast at 0.. ..layers>merge.... save as image 11....undo...

12)Close off mouse mouse.... with the mouse layer highlighted...image>mirror.....Place him by the plug...close off text text... ..layers> as image 12....undo

13)Close off text ... open text 2.....move the mouse overabout 1 mouse length..... layers> as image 13 ...undo

14)Close off text text.....with the mouse layer highlighted...move him over about another mouse length.... layers> as image 14...undo

15)Close off text 2.....move the mouse over another mouse length..... layers> as image 15...undo

16)Close off cat 4....Open cat 5...erase any plug showing on the text....... Close off text 2... open text.....with the mouse layer highlighted...move him over about another mouse length.... layers> as image 16...undo

17)Close off text 2..... move the mouse over another mouse length..... layers> as image 17...undo

18).close off text text.....move the mouse over further 1/2 off the canvas.... layers> as image 18...undo

19).close text 2.....move the mouse off the just his tail is showing..... layers> as image 19...undo

20Close off mouse......layers> as image 20....


Open animation on the animation wizard....

Same size as first image next next

Upper left corner and with the canvas color next

Yes, repeat animation indefinetily and put 10 in the next

Add your next

Click finish

Here is where I re sized mine to 300, but it's your choice

Right click on frame 1...frame properties set at 150

Holdiong down the shift key.....Click on frame , right click on frame 8 ...frame properties set at 21

Right click on frame 9...frame properties set at 35

Right click on frame 10...frame properties set at 35

Right click on frame 11..frame properties set at 50

Click on frame 12...holding down the shift on frame 19...right click on frame 19...frame properties set at 21

Right click on frame 20...frame properties set at 200

And your done

Thank you for doing my tut
