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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial


This is my first valentine tutorial

The little dude is an animation I found ages ago and he sure came in handy for this tut

The original tutorial belongs to raven of rantin ravens is her M&M tutorial and was perfect for this tut

You are welcome to share,link back to this tut but please do not copy and paste to another site and do not claim it as your own...

The cupid graphic belongs to some one else...I have had it so long I do not even know where I found it...if you know the animator please

E mail me

so I can either give credit or remove the graphic

All that said let's get going



are the tools you will need

Open all tools in AS and export the 2 graphics to Paint Shop Pro...leave the cupid in AS

Open an new image say about 500x300

Type your text useing stroke set at black and fill set at red...or whatever colour you like, size 72,floating and antalias checked...font's in your fonts

Type your name and click ok

Move your text to the middle of the image

*hint* (copy and paste your first image with the text "happy valentines day "showeing and paste as new layer this way you can see where it is going to land on the text and you can adjust your text to fit)

Close off that layer and highlight the text layer

Effects 3d>inner bevel..with these settings

select none

OK, now we gotta duplicate the text 11 times...sooo, click on the layer palette>right click on the layer and click on rename

Rename that layer text....Now right click and duplicate it 11 make 12 layers

WOW! we are now working the same way as raven.

Close off all layers except text layer 1 at the on the valentine grahic you pasted there before

Layers>merge visible....rename frame 1

Close off that frame and click on the next layer below to make it the active layer and take the red x off...... click on your other image with part of the letters showing....edit>copy

Click on your text image and edit>pastes as new layer.......layers>merge visible

That's all there is open all the red x's and save as.......

On to animation shop