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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial
Just Hopping Along

This is just a little tut I put to gether for easter, I have made all the graphics so it's really quite easy. I do like the easy ones

Open a folder for all the images you will be saving

Written byİDorothy

For Easter, March 25/2005

............Let's get hopping along on this one.........


Open your template in PSP.....close off all layers except the egg layers(not the small, they go in the basket)now decide which colours you want for each letter of your name, or you can leave them as is... close off all the copies....close off all the original text layers...

This is what your layer palette should look like

The layers with the red arrows are your original text the first original text.....add a new layer... add a letter of your name...I use "comic Sans Ms".... size 20....colour of your choice........ add the text...add an inner none

Layers>merge...close off and re name your first letter...mine is D

Do this step with all your letters

When all have been lettered , in the layer them all and layers> name text..

Close off that layer, we will need it later

1)Open bunny bunny near the the small eggs in his basket....he has his eggs and he is leaving... layers> as image 1....Click the undo button

use the previous bunny to judge your distance for each move

2)Open bunny 2...move him over just a little..close off bunny 1.... place the balance of the eggs in his basket, choose the colour of the last text egg and with the mover tool move this egg up out of the basket....layers>merge... close off and save as image the undo button

3)Open bunny 1...move him over just a little...close off bunny 2.. place the balance of the eggs in his basket...with the mover tool move the first egg up and over his head..... move the 2nd egg up out of the basket.......layers>merge... close off and save as image the undo button

4)Open bunny 2...move him over just a little....close off bunny 1...... place the balance of the eggs in his basket...with the mover tool move the first egg down to almost the bottom..... move the next egg up over his head.......lift the 3rd egg out of the basket...... .layers> as image the undo button

5)Open bunny 1...move him over just a little......close off bunny 2...... place the balance of the eggs in his basket...with the mover tool move the 2nd egg down to almost the bottom..... move the 3rd egg up over his head.......lift the 4th egg out of the basket...... ...close off the first the text layer.....duplicate text and close off original....with copy of the text layer active...lasso all but the last as image 5

6)Open bunny 2...move him over just a little....close off bunny 1.. .....delete copy of should only have letters on it from the previous layer.... place the balance of the eggs in his basket...with the mover tool move the 5th egg out of the basket....... close off the second egg....move the 3rd egg down further...move the 4th egg over his head the text layer.....duplicate text and close off original....with copy of the text layer active...lasso all but the last 2 letters....delete... .layers> as image the undo button

7)Open bunny 1...move him over just a little.....close off bunny 2. .....delete copy of should only have letters on it from the previous layer.... place the balance of the eggs in his basket...with the mover tool move the 6th egg out of the basket...... ...close off the 3rd egg..... ...move the 4th egg down further...move the 5th egg down further... the text layer.....duplicate text and close off original....with copy of the text layer active...lasso all but the last 3 letters....delete... .layers> as image the undo button

8)Open bunny 2...move him over just a little.....close off bunny 1 .....delete copy of should only have letters on it from the previous layer.... place the balance of the eggs in his basket...with the mover tool move the 7th egg out of the basket.......move the 6th egg over his head...move the 5th egg down further... close off the 4th egg...... the text layer.....duplicate text and close off original....with copy of the text layer active...lasso all but the last 4 letters....delete... .layers> as image the undo button

9)Open bunny 1...move him over just a little......close off bunny 2 ....delete copy of should only have letters on it from the previous layer.... ...with the mover tool move the 7th egg over his head.........move the 6th egg down further......close off the 5th ....... the text layer.....duplicate text and close off original....with copy of the text layer active...lasso all but the last 5 letters....delete... .layers> as image the undo button

10)Open bunny 2...move him over just a little.....close off bunny 1..... ....delete copy of should only have letters on it from ....with the mover tool move the 7th egg down further.... close off the 6th egg....... the text layer.....duplicate text and close off original....with copy of the text layer active...lasso all but the last 6 letters....delete... .layers> as image the undo button

11)Open bunny 1...move him over just a little.....close off bunny 2 .......delete copy of should only have letters on it from ..with the mover tool move the 7th egg down near the bottom... the text layer.....duplicate text and close off original....with copy of the text layer active...lasso all but the last 6 letters....delete... .layers> as image the undo button

12)Open bunny 2...close off bunny .1..move bunny 1 over a little, ......delete copy of should only have letters on it from the previous layer.....close off 7th egg........ the text layer..... .layers> as image the undo button

13)Open bunny 3.....image mirror....clone in his eye...close off bunny 2.... .layers> as image the undo button

14)Layers> as image the undo button

Now for the animation


Open animation on the animation wizard

Same size as first next

Opaque and put in white or whatever colour you next

Upper left corner and with canvas color next

Yes repeat the animation indfinitely....put 30 in next

Add next

Click finish

Open your greeting sign in AS...make sure the propogate button is on.. click on the on the all.... edit...paste into selected frames...

Now is a good time to re size... I took mine down to 400 but it's your choice how big you want it.....

Right click on 13th frame...copy.....right click on the frame 14.... paste after current frame

Right click on 14th frame...copy.....right click on the last frame.... paste after current frame..right click on last frame...frame properties set at 150

That's it! Your all done
