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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial
Halloween Grabber

This tag was made by Tivis and a very scarey one it is.... in this tut we are going to work the whole tag... .by copy and paste each image to a new canvas...

Enjoy the tut

Written by ©Dorothy


Tag by Tivis


Open the font and shrink it to the taskbar

Open supplies in PSP

In PSP open a new canvas size 250x400

Click on head on the canvas... paste as new name head on head 2... copy...paste as new name head 2 close off both of these layers

Add a new layer and flood fill with black...layers> name background

Add a new layer and with the text tool set at 22..caps lock on...font Bloody (enclosed) course) vector and antalias checked... type the words in"HAPPY HALLOWEEN" this at the top of the canvas...put your mouse on the middle node and pull it down a little... again add a new layer and Type your name...this time have the font set at 48 caps lock on....drag down the middle node to make the name this near the bottom of the head 2 and make sure it is in the middle of the text....

click on both text layers...layers>convert to raster layer.... turn off the background layer and the head layer.... and merge the two text layers and re name...text

On each spider I put the name...spider 1, spider 2, spider 3... before you copy and paste just lasso this name and delete...or use the eraser tool and erase

1)Duplicate and drag down....background.... Click on spider 1 image...edit> on the new canvas...paste as new layer.....move him way up to the top so just his legs are starting to show...layers>merge...close off and re name

2)Duplicate and drag down background....... Click on spider 1 image...edit> on the new canvas...paste as new layer.....move him way up to the top so more of his legs are showing...layers>merge...close off and re name

3)Duplicate and drag down background....... Click on spider 1 image...edit> on the new canvas...paste as new layer.....move him up with more of his legs are showing...layers>merge...close off and re name

4)Duplicate and drag down background....... Click on spider 1 image...edit> on the new canvas...paste as new layer.....move him up with more of his legs are showing...layers>merge...close off and re name

5)Duplicate and drag down background....... Click on spider 1 image...edit> on the new canvas...paste as new layer....move him up to the whole spider is showing ...rename him spider 1....layers duplicate and turn off the copy....I will now call him "copy of spider 1"...with the original spider open.....layers>merge...close off and re name

6)Duplicate and drag down background......copy of spider 1... with the copy of spider the active the de form tool and with the ctrl key held down and using your keys to the right of the keyboard...move him down about... 1/2 head length....layers>merge...close off and re name

Open the previous layer with each move to judge how far to move him down

This is the way we will be moving him down in a straight line

7)Duplicate and drag down background......copy of spider 1... with the copy of spider the active the de form ..move him down about... 1/2 head length....layers>merge...close off and re name

8)Duplicate and drag down background......copy of spider 1... with the copy of spider the active the de form ..move him down about 1/2 head length....layers>merge...close off and re name

Continue duplicate and drag down....background...copy of spider 1... you should have 21 layers for a good animation

This is what layer 21 looks like

22)Duplicate and drag on spider 3....edit>copy... click on canvas....paste as new him right on top of prviious layer. ..but down a bit ...layers>merge...close off and re name

23)Duplicate and drag on spider 2....edit>copy... click on canvas....paste as new him on top of previous layer.. ...layers>merge...close off and re name

24)Duplicate and drag on spider 3....edit>copy... click on canvas....paste as new him up from the prvious layer.. .about 1/2 head length...duplicate and drag down...copy of head 1. place it between the spiders legs....just peeking on to the canvas

...layers>merge...close off and re name

25)Duplicate and drag down....background......copy head on spider 3....edit>copy... click on canvas....paste as new him up from the prvious layer.. .about 1/2 head length.....move head 1 down and place it between the spiders legs....

...layers>merge...close off and re name

26)Duplicate and drag down....background.....copy of head on spider 3....edit>copy... click on canvas....paste as new him up from the prvious layer.. .about 1/2 a head length....... place head 1 between the spiders legs.... ...layers>merge...close off and re name

27)Duplicate and drag down....background......copy head on spider 3....edit>copy... click on canvas....paste as new him up from the prvious layer.. .about 1/2 a head the whole spider is showing.... duplicate this layer and close it off...I will call it copy of spider 3... .. place head 1 between the spiders legs.... with the original spider 3 open... ...layers>merge...close off and re name

28)Duplicate and drag down....background.....copy head 1...copy of spider 3....edit>copy... ...move him up from the prvious layer.. .about 1/2 head length...move the head down to between the spiders the whole head should be showing. ...close off the background layer and merge the head and the spider... duplicate this layer and close off the copy.....I will call this copy of head... ...layers>merge...close off and re name

29 to 37)Dulicate and drag down...background...drag down...copy of head and move the copy up about 1/2 head length on each layer....

This is where the spider should be on layer 37

38)Duplicate and drag down....background.....Head 2....copy of spider 1... (you should still have copy of spider 1 layer) move him to the top and off the canvas so just some of his legs are showing..... ...move the head down a little from the spider.. .he just dropped the head...layers>merge...close off and re name

39)Duplicate and drag down....background.....Head 2....copy of spider 1... move him to the top and off the canvas so less of his legs are showing..... ...move the head down a little further from the spider.. ...layers>merge...close off and re name

40)Duplicate and drag down....background......drag down copy of spider 1.... move it up so just the tips are showing....duplicate and drag down....Head 2.... ...move it down about 1/2 head length.... ....layers>merge...close off and re name

41)Duplicate and drag down....background....Head 2.... ....layers>merge...close off and re name

42)Duplicate and drag down....background.... Head 2...text...layers>merge.. close off and re name

43)Duplicate and drag down...background...text....layers>merge... close off and re name

44)Duplicate layer 42 and drag it to the top of the stack... re name 44

45)Duplicate layer 43 and drag it to the top of the stack... re name 45

Open all layers and save as....

Whew!!!!!!! We are done


Open AS your graphic in AS...

I don't think this should be re sized but it's your preference

Frame properties:

Frame 1 to 37..........10

Frame 38.....................20

Frames 39,40............10

Frames 41.....................100

Frames 42,43,44.......50

Frame 45........................100

Click the animation button and you should have an excellent animation

Thanks to Tivis for sharing
