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Frog's in Love

Another cute and easy tag by Robert, this is done by copy>merge and is cute for valentines day

Written byİDorothy,Jan/2006

Tag by Robert


Frog Supplies

Open your template in PSP...close off all layers except the bottom layer already there.. open your text if you are using mine and shrink it to taskbar

With the bottom layer the active layer....text set at bamboo...size set at will have to add that manually....stroke set at null....fill set at #28495A...or your choice... floating and antalias checked...type your name.....add an inner bevel with these settings

Then add a drop shadow with these settings

hit your name with the deform tool and squeeze it in so the branches fit over a letter

Now let's make it size.....make sure all frames is checked.... I resized mine to 400, but your choice here

1)Open left frog 1 and right frog 1...edit...copy AS.... right click and paste as new animation

2)Close left frog 1 and right frog 1...Open left frog 2 and right frog 2...edit...copy AS.... right click and paste after current frame

3)Close left frog 2 and right frog 2...Open left frog 3 and right frog 3...edit...copy AS.... right click and paste after current frame

4)Close left frog 3 and right frog 3...Open left frog 4 and right frog 4...edit...copy AS.... right click and paste after current frame

5)Close left frog 4 and right frog 4...Open left frog 5 and right frog 5...edit...copy AS.... right click and paste after current frame

6)Close left frog 5 and right frog 5...Open copy of frog and copy of lady frog ...edit...copy AS.... right click and paste after current frame

In on frame 1 to 5 to highlight...right click....copy....right click on last frame....paste after current frame.... go to animation...reverse frames.... click on the all...highlight frames 6 to 11...edit... paste into selected frames and place your hearts where you want all ...animation frame properties set at 20....right click on frame 1...frame properties set at 125.... right click on the kissing frame 6...frame properties set at 50.....right click on last frame... frame properties set at 50

And we are done

Cute little tag Robert

Thanks Robert for another easy tag

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