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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial
Jack Skelegton

This is an awesome tag made by Maeven, I asked permission to help her write it and between the two of us we have made this as easy as possible to make so everyone can make one and enjoy it

This is a very long tut but not a hard one , so if you run out of time just remember to save your working template and the graphic you are making in animation shop.... We are going to make this as a copy ....merge so a lot will be done in animation shop

This was written in PSP 7 by Dorothy but can be done in PSP9, as Maeven made the tag in PSP9

That said....let's begin

Written by©Maeven and ©Dorothy


Tag by Maeven


Skeleton Jack Template

Open your template in PSP....close off all layers except the bottom layer... the background layer..add a new layer

Choose Text Tool... Vector..... Font Broadway BT....size 48... Foreground Null...... Background Yellow (#ffff00) All Capitals and type your name. Move your name so the first letter is below Jack Skelengton’s foot So it looks as though his first step is there.

Unhide Frame S1... Now you should see Jack beginning to fall.... Move your last letter so that it is under his feet as if falling off the edge.

If you choose you can heighten your name also, it gives him further to fall lolol Hide frame S1 again and make sure that your first letter has not shifted accidently. Make sure your vector (name) is selected and add a drop shadow with these settings.....

Effects, 3D effects, Drop Shadow Vertical -3 Horizontal 7 Opacity 50 Blur 5 White.......Rename this layer text

Open background layer...text layer edit...copy> AS...right click and paste as new layer

Open layer the de form tool and with the ctrl key held down and using the arrows to the right of the keyboard..... move him 1/2 off the frame.....edit...copy AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

Close off layer copy of layer 1...edit...copy> AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame

Close off copy of layer layer AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

Keep doing this with each and every frame including frame S31

Close off S31...Close off cloud layer and open copy of frame S32..... edit...copy> AS... right click on last frame and paste after current this with frame S33...S34...S35 and S36 and squished skeleton layer....

Now we are going to move our skeleton back so in order to have him walk a straight line we will move him like so...... make the layer active you are going to the de form tool.... holding down the ctrl key and using the keys to the right of the keyboard... .move your skeleton

Open layer 1.....image mirror, now hit him with the de form tool and move him down to the bottom of the canvas...move him just a little past your squished skeleton.. open the squished skeleton to judge where to move him...close the squished skeleton and ...edit...copy AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

Open layer 2...image mirror....move him down and just a little past the previous skeleton...make sure you close off the previous skeleton.... edit...copy AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

Keep working this way until you come to the last skeleton layer 12 and move him 1/2 off the frame....edit... copy AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

You will need to have the previous layer open to judge where to place your skeleton, you have 12 skeletons to walk across the bottom of the canvas.... just make sure you close the previous frame off before you merge

After you have finished all you layers, go into AS...right click on the first frame....edit...copy....go way over to the last frame... right click and paste after current frame

Ok, now we have a lot of excess left over so let's make it even smaller.... click on the crop on on surround animated crop... much better for me, your choice, you can leave it the original size but it is a large graphic and may take a long time to upload all.....animation frame properties set at 15....Right click on frame 1... frame properties set at on frame 14 and hold down the shift key and click on frame right click on frame 48...frame properties set at 10......right click on the squished skeleton frame....frame properties set at 50

All that is left is to save.....make sure when you save this tut that in the optimization save frame.....write minimal frames is NOT CHECKED

Whew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!we are done, it was a long tut but well worth the while to make it

If you have a problem, please let us know

