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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial
My Valentine

This is a greeting card I found and thought it would make a very simple valentine...there isn't very much to this tag so if you like easy and small this is the one for you

Written byİDorothy


Let's begin



Unzip your supplies to a new not put the selections in PSP as you will probably never use them again, you can work from the folder

Open your template in your font, if you are using mine and shrink it to task the mask and shrink

Close off all layers ....add a new layer....selections>load from disk...inside frame.... selections....modify....expand by 1...selections...modify... feather by on the mask.....edit...copy...edit...paste into not de select... add a new layer.....flood fill with white...on the layer palette...bring the opacity down to none...layers...merge>visible and re name this background

Add a new layer...selections...load from disk...frame.....with the flood fill on pattern....find your mask pattern and click ok...flood fill with this pattern... effects....eye candy with these settings none....add a new layer...selections...load from disk.... corners.....flood fill with #B6A7C2....effects...3D....inner bevel with these settings

Merge the background layer...the frame layer and the corner layer ...again re name this background...

Duplicate this layer 2 more times for a total of 3 background name background 1, background 2 and background 3

Add a new layer and with your text tool...size set at 22...font set at Huxvertin...enclosed.. or use your choice of font...stoke set at null...fill set at #800080...again, your choice of colour...type your name and place it at the bottom of your picture

Open background 1...drag down under frame 1...duplicate name and drag down on top of frame 1... layers>merge...close off and re name

Open background 2....drag down under frame frame 2...duplicate name and drag down on top of frame 2..... layers>merge....close off and re name

Open background 3...drag down under frame 3... duplicate name and drag down on top of frame 3 layers> name layer 3

Open all layers and save as

Open animation your all... animation frame properties set at 100...right click on last frame... frame properties set at 200

Here is where you can re size if it's too big

And your done
