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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial

"Happy New Year"

This is just a little tag I put to gether on my own...I found the lady and made the man from a artist I am not so if you have a picture you like please use it....I have had the picture I am using for the mask laying around for ages and now is a good time to use it

Written byİDorothy


Tag by Dorothy

................Let's begin..................



Open the font and shrink it to the gold and grey patch and shrink it the picture and the mask... shrink them also....we will use these later

Unzip your selections to a folder...don't put them in PSP selection folder as you probably will never use them again and it only fills up PSP

1)Open a canvas 500x500....we will crop later....add a new layer...selections load from disk....inside frame.sel....selections...modify... expand by 1....flood fill with gradiend electric stripe.....image flip, we want the pink on top... add a new layer and flood fill with white.....with the little arrows to the right on the layer palette...slide the arrow to 60....

this brings down the opacity.... add a new layer and click on the mask....copy and click on the new canvas and paste into again lower the opacity to 20....looks pretty good but you can play with this...selections>select none

2)Add a new layer.....Selections load from disk...frame.sel...flood fill with the grey pattern enclosed or fill with something you like.... if you use the grey pattern go to effects....texture effects....soft plastic and just use these settings again you can play with the might want something none....add a new layer... selections...load from disk...corners...flodd fill with white....add the texture same as none

3)Open your picture of the on it...copy... click on canvas ...paste as new layer and place it where you want it....

4)Add a new layer....with your text tool set at Weltron font...size set at 36... stroke set at null.....fill set at the gold pattern...vector and antalias checked... type your with the arrows in the middle turn your name sideways, or just place it at the bottom...your choice....layers> convert to raster layer...add an inner bevel

Add a new layer....selections...load from disk... text.sel....flood fill with gold and add your scuplture as before.... here you can make your own text if you wish...just add a new layer and type your text...layers>merge....selections>select all ....selections float.....edit...copy...edit paste as new image....we cropped it to as

Thats it for here.....l


Open your graphic in your spatkle burst in on the duplicate button and duplicate your image so you have 10 frames.....

Click on the sparkle edit>select all...edit>copy..... click on your image....edit>select all....edit....paste into selected froame.... now do this "paste into selected frame" several times...I did mine 10 times to get enough sparkle you can use whatever sparkle you is a good time to re size...I took mine to 350....I would love to see what you can do with this, it is not a very fantastic tut but I am just learning how to make a selections tut

Thank you for doing my tut and visiting my site

Come back again soon
