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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial

Happy New Year

Welcome to another New Years tutorial, this is very layer heavy but in the end it's is worth the work

Written by Dorothy

Dec 23/2004

Tag by Dorothy



Open template in PSP....close off all layers except the top layer...add a new on the preset on the ellipse pattern...vector checked... place the pointer on the circle untill a 1/2 circle shows under the "A".. ..with the text tool...size set at 36.... font set at your choice(I used BaaBookHmk)fill set at white type your text....with the middle node turn the text to fit over the may have to use the side nodes and stretch it out a little... in the layer pallette click on the "+" sign and close off the ellipse layer...right click on the text layer and "convert to raster layer....close off the clock layer and layers> name this layer text... click on effects>sculpture and click on the gold..... Layers> name text

Now open a clock layer and make sure the text is just above the clock...add another layer and type your message, size set at 16... fill colour it where you want it...... re name "name"

This is your layer palette

1)Open c1....Duplicate and drag down to under c1...background...duplicate and drag down to on top of> merge...close off and re name image 1

2)Open c2...Duplicate and drag down to under c2...background...duplicate and drag down to on top of> merge...close off and re name image 2

3)Open c3...Duplicate and drag down to under c3...background...duplicate and drag down to on top of> merge...close off and re name image 3

4)Open c4...Duplicate and drag down to under c4...background...duplicate and drag down to on top of> merge...close off and re name image 4

Contimue with this right up to and including c13

14)Open f1....duplicate and drag down to under f1.....background...clock...duplicate and drag down to above f1 name.....layers>merge...close off and re name

15)Open f2....duplicate and drag down to under f2.......background...clock.... duplicate and drag down to above f2.... name.....layers>merge...close off and re name

16)Open f3....duplicate and drag down to under f3.......background...clock.... duplicate and drag down to above f3.... name.....layers>merge...close off and re name

Continue in this order up to and including f9

Open f10...duplicate and drag down to under f10.......background...clock.... duplicate and drag down to above .....layers>merge...close off and re name

Duplicate and drag and text.... layers>merge..

Now for the border...make sure all layers are closed off except your last layer you merged....selections>select all...selections modify....contract by with your fill tool...fill the border with your choice, I have enclosed the gold pattern... just open it and shrink it and it will show in your patterns....fill the top layer...close off that layer and open the next layer...flood fill...close off and open the next layer....flood fill, .....just keep doing this until all layers are filled....when they are all filled go to none...

Open all your layers and save as

And Your done!!!


Open your graphic in animation shop....right click on first layer...frame properties set at on frame 2 and holding down the shift key click on frame 13....right click on layer 13...frame properties set at on the first fireworks frame...frame 14... and holding down shift on frame 22....right click on frame 22...frame properties set at 21...right click on frame 23...frame properties set at 50.... right click on last frame....frame properteis st at 125

Here is where you can re size if you wish

Click the animation button and make any changes you like

Thank you for doing my tut
