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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial

This is just a simple little tag I made, nothing fantastic,I'm on a kick learning to make selection tuts... I like the black sillouettes,it's easy and has a very pretty and festive frame

The glimmer was made by Raven at Rantin Ravens Haven

Let's get started

Written by ©Dorothy


Tag by Dorothy



Unzip your selections to a folder...there are only 2 selections, so just unzip them to the same not put in PSP selections as you will probably never use them again

Open your glitter and pictures and shrink them for now....

Open a new canvas... size 500x500, we will make it smaller later

Add a new layer and type your Happy new year text ....size 26....font of your choice and I just added ...effects... sculpture...set at gold... but this is your choice too

Add another layer and type your name, smaller text than the other text ...same sculpture if you used it

Selections....load from disk....inside frame.sel.... just place your text inside the marching may have to fiddle with this a bit... Place the text where you want it and none...layers> name text

Add a new layer...selections....load from disk....inside frame.sel...selections...modify ...expand by 1....selections... save to alpha channel....

Flood fill with gradient....cyan magenta yellow...or your choice... add a new layer....flood fill with white and lower the opacity to none... layers merge...rename background.....duplicate this layer 7 times for 8 layers... name these background 1 to 8...layer 1 being the bottom layer.....close off all layers....

Make layer 1 of the gold glimmer background 1 on flood fill on patterns.. ...flood fill the background...selections...load from alpha channel...selections...invert...hit the delete none..close off...

Open background 2 on frame 2 of the gold on flood fill on patterns.. click on the next glimmer in the pattern(not the current pattern)...flood fill... selections....load from alpha channel.....selections...invert....hit the delete key... ...close off

Open background 3 on frame 3 of the gold on flood fill on patterns.. click on the next glimmer in the pattern...flood fill... selections....load from alpha channel.....selections...invert....hit the delete key...... close off

Open background 4 on frame 4 of the gold on flood fill on patterns.. click on the next glimmer in the pattern...flood fill... selections....load from alpha channel.....selections...invert....hit the delete key... ...close off

Open background 5 on frame 5 of the gold on flood fill on patterns.. click on the next glimmer in the pattern...flood fill... selections....load from alpha channel.....selections...invert....hit the delte key... ...close off

Open background 6 on frame 6 of the gold on flood fill on patterns.. click on the next glimmer in the pattern...flood fill... selections....load from alpha channel.....selections...invert....hit the delete key... ..close off

Open background 7 on frame 7 of the gold on flood fill on patterns.. click on the next glimmer in the pattern...flood fill... selections....load from alpha channel.....selections...invert....hit the delete key... ..close off

Open background 8 on frame 8 of the gold on flood fill on patterns.. click on the next glimmer in the pattern...flood fill... selections....load from alpha channel.....selections...invert....hit the delete key... ...close off

Glimmer is done ,now open your 3 pictures and copy each one and paste as new the last background layer and place your pictures... making sure only the picture layers are open...layers>merge... close off and re name people...close off

Add a new layer...selections...load from disk....frame.sel...flood fill with white and I added my sculpture effect...just add whatever effect you wish.. select none.....with your magic wand and holding down the shift inside each leaf....selections... modify...expand by 1....flood fill this with a light green....add eye candy with these settings

gives it a little shine

Selections>select none....with the magic inside all of the ribbon...selections...modify...expand by 1....flood fill with a very light colour, add the eye candy effect to this layer, by using a light colour you will get a nice shiny name this frame

Ok, let's put it to gether

1)Open layer 1....duplicate and drag down to on top of layer 1.......people ...text... frame...layers>merge...close off and re name

2)Open layer 2....duplicate and drag down... on top of layer 2.....people ...text... frame...layers>merge...close off and re name

3)Open layer 3...duplicate and drag down on top of layer 3......people ...text... frame...layers>merge...close off and re name

4)Open layer 4....duplicate and drag down. on top of layer 4.....people ...text... frame...layers>merge...close off and re name

5)Open layer 5....duplicate and drag down. on top of layer 5......people ...text... frame...layers>merge...close off and re name

6)Open layer 6....duplicate and drag down on top of layer 6...people ...text... frame...layers>merge...close off and re name

7)Open layer 7....duplicate and drag down on top of layer 7...people ...text... frame...layers>merge...close off and re name

8)Open layer 8....duplicate and drag down on top of layer 8...people ...text... frame...layers>merge...close off and re name

Open all layers and save as

Next step is to open animation shop....find your graphic and open it, I resized mine to 350... animation size

That's all there is, no changing the animation frames

I hope you enjoyed my tut

Thank you for stopping by
