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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial

Swinging from a Star

I thought this was a cute little panda bear and he looks soooo happy, and I thought he would make a great xmas tag

Let's swing!

Written by ©Dorothy

Dec 1/2004


Open supplies in the font and shrink it to the task bar

Close off all layers except the bottom on the preset shapes... click on elipse...antalias and vector checke....draw a circle...we want it round not elipse may want to hold down the shift key when drawing the watching the bottom left of your psp work place...draw your circle 496x496 doing this I can give you the exact pecentage to move your panda..... .click on the text tool... place your mouse on the circle on your canvas... move it around until a little 1/2 circle forms under the click and type your name... size set at 48....line set at 2....stroke set at red...fill set at yellow... vector and antalias checked...type your name.....with the mover tool and sitting it on the middle node...move your text down so the first and last letters will sit where he can hit the....and make sure the rope is sitting under the ...go into the layer palette and where you see the + sign just click on that and when the drop down shows elipse...close it off and then right click on the layer (not the name) and ...convert to raster layer....layers> merge visible......whew!!! name this layer text....

Open your panda and bring your text down to the the text over the string..... with the text layer the active layer and using the eye dropper, place it on the string to get the right draw a couple of lines on the star he will swing from....

In this tut please do as I say not as I do, if you look close I forget to draw a string around my star, I will repair it, but I wanted to get it posted for the xmas tags

Next we have to rotate him to find where he will hit the first star, I roated mine 40 to the left...making him just touch the last star in your let's fill the spaces in our name....close off your panda layers..... add a new layer and flood fill with red....drag it under your text layer... with the text layer the active outside the text with your magic wand ... highlight the flood fill layer and hit none...with your text layer and your fill layer open...layers> name text....drag the text to the top of the stack... now let's crop it, it's way too the top of your highest letter run the crop tool around your image...make sure you go right to the bottom...image crop....much better to work with

Ok the hard part is done, now we can put this thing to gether

Make sure you have a folder to save your images in

Each time you rotate the panda....make sure you do... effects sharpen...make sure you place the string under the star

1)Open panda text...layers> as image undo

2)With the panda layer the active layer.. ..image rotate...10 to the left....move him so the sting is under the star...layers> as image undo button...

3)With the panda layer the active layer.....image rotate...20 to the left....move him so the sting is under the star...layers>merge...close off and re name image undo button...

4)Duplicate text close off original... drag it down under panda 1.... with panda 1 the active layer...rotate 10 to the he has hit the star... with the copy of text layer active...go to colors>adjust....brightness and contrast... set the brightness to 100 and the contrast at 4...layers>merge... save as image undo...close off copy of text...

5)With the panda layer the active layer...image rotate...10 to the right....move him so the string is under the star...layers> as image undo button...

6)With the panda layer the active layer...image rotate...20 to the right....move him so the sting is under the star...layers> as image undo button...

7)close off panda 1 panda 2.....layers>merge...close off and save as image undo

With panda layer active...iimage rotate 10 to the right....layers> as image undo

9)With panda layer active...iimage rotate 20 to the right....layers> as image undo

10)With panda layer active...iimage rotate 10 to the right...drag him on top of the text layer.....with the text layer active click colors>adjust...brightnessa dn contrast....same settings as before....layers> as image 10


Open animation on the animation wizard

Same size as first next next

Upper left corner and with canvas color next

Yes repeat the animation indfinitely....put 20 in next

Add next

Click finish

Now is a good time to re size... I took mine down to 400 but it's your choice how big you want it.....

That's it! Your all done

Thanks for making my tag
