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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial

Where do these skeletons come from, another cutie I found on the net

Written byİDorothy, October/2005


Unicycle Template

Open the font and shrink it to task template in PSP....another copy and merge tut, seems the easiest way to do these ..close off all layers except the background layer and the layer 1 skeleton.... add a new layer and with your preset tool...line set at 6....vector and antalias checked....holding down the shift key and using your elipse....draw a circle about 160x160..with your text tool ...size set at 48... vector checked...stroke set at null...fill set at the A on the line until you see a little curve at the bottom of the A...then click on the canvas to bring up your text box...make sure the center is checked

(I have no idea what this is called)type your name, now it should be on top of your the layer palette there will be 2 layers,one blank, these are your text layers...layers...convert to close off all layers except the 2 text layers and layers>merge name this text... with the text layer active add an inner bevel with these settings

Open your background and frame1 and bring the circle down so the unicycle wheel sits on the inside of the frame

Now to place the little layer not rotate this layer


Maybe you will want to play with the rotate on these frames,this is my settings

open layer 2...image rotate 40 to the right..

open layer 3...image rotate 70 to the right..

open layer 4...image rotate 90 to the right..

open layer 5...image rotate 100 to the right..

open layer 6...image rotate 120 to the right..

open layer 7...image rotate 140 to the right..

open layer 8...image rotate 150 to the right..

open layer 9...image rotate 160 to the right..

open layer 10...image flip..

open layer 11...image rotate 150 to the left..

open layer 12...image rotate 140 to the left..

open layer 13...image rotate 120 to the left..

open layer 14...image rotate 100 to the left..

open layer 15...image rotate 60 to the left..

open layer 16...image rotate 40 to the left..

open layer 17...image rotate 20 to the left..

This is my circle

Now would be a good time to crop it smaller...just use your selection tool set at rectangle and draw around your image... click on image...crop to selections

Your work here is done!!

Now we will put it to gether, this is the easy part

1)Close off all layers except background...text and layer 1....edit.. copy> AS...right click and paste as new animation

2)Close off layer layer 2......edit.. copy> AS...right click and paste as new animation

3)Close off layer layer 3......edit.. copy> AS...right click and paste as new animation

4)Close off layer layer 4......edit.. copy> AS...right click and paste as new animation

5)Close off layer layer 5......edit.. copy> AS...right click and paste as new animation

6)Close off layer layer 6......edit.. copy> AS...right click and paste as new animation

7)Close off layer layer 7......edit.. copy> AS...right click and paste as new animation

8)Close off layer layer 8......edit.. copy> AS...right click and paste as new animation

9)Close off layer layer 9......edit.. copy> AS...right click and paste as new animation

10)Close off layer layer 10......edit.. copy> AS...right click and paste as new animation

11)Close off layer layer 11......edit.. copy> AS...right click and paste as new animation

12)Close off layer layer 12......edit.. copy> AS...right click and paste as new animation

13)Close off layer layer 13......edit.. copy> AS...right click and paste as new animation

14)Close off layer layer 14......edit.. copy> AS...right click and paste as new animation

15)Close off layer layer 15......edit.. copy> AS...right click and paste as new animation

16)Close off layer layer 16......edit.. copy> AS...right click and paste as new animation

17)Close off layer layer 17......edit.. copy> AS...right click and paste as new animation all...animation frame proerties set at 20...Play with these settings you may want to change them

Just save as and make sure when the Animation Quality versus out put size comes on the customize button... then click on the Optimization tab and take out the check mark in write minimal frames

Now you are finished


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