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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial

A nice little tag for halloween, the tag was made by Robert....I love making things move so I have changed Robert's original a little with his permission

Written byİDorothy


Tag by Robert


is all you will need

Open your font and shrink it to the PSP

Close off all layers except the bottom layer

Click the text tool and with your font set at fearless (enclosed)... size set at 48...stroke set at black...fill set at red (or your choice)... Type your frame 2 and place your letter where the broom will make contact with the name that layer text... and drag it to the bottom of the stack

1)open text and frame 1....layers> as image psp click the undo button

2)Close off frame 1 and open frame 2......layers> as image 2 .. in psp click the undo button

After each move do effects>sharpen...I will also be doing the moves of the letter as in layer 3

3)Open frame 2.....duplicate the text layer and close off the original.......with the copy of text the active layer......lasso the last letter and click in the middle to tighten the ants...holding down the ctrl key and using the arrows to the right of the keyboard...move the letter up about a full letter length..... .layers> as image 3.. in psp click the undo button

4)Close off frame frame 3.......with the copy of text the active layer.........move the letter up about a full letter on image>rotate and put 30 in the box and rotate left..... .layers> as image .4. in psp click the undo button

5)With the copy of text the active layer......lasso the letter and click in the middle to tighten the ants......move the letter up about a full letter on image>rotate and put 30 in the box and rotate left.....move the letter over a has to make a full circle... .layers> as image 5.. in psp click the undo button

6)With the copy of text the active layer......lasso the letter and click in the middle to tighten the ants......move the letter up about a full letter on image>rotate and put 30 in the box and rotate left.....move the letter over a little has to make a full circle... .layers> as image 6.. in psp click the undo button

7)With the copy of text the active layer......lasso the letter and click in the middle to tighten the ants...image>rotate 30 left.....start moving the letter down now.....layers>merge close off and re as image psp click the undo button

8With the copy of text the active layer......lasso the letter and click in the middle to tighten the ants...image rotate...30 left....start moving the letter down and over to where it will land .....layers>merge close off and re as image psp click the undo button

9)With the copy of text the active layer......lasso the letter and click in the middle to tighten the ants...image>rotate...30 left..... move the letter down more.....layers>merge close off and re as image psp click the undo button

10)With the copy of text the active layer......lasso the letter and click in the middle to tighten the ants...image>rotate...30 left..... move the letter down more.....layers>merge close off and re as image psp click the undo button

11)Close off frame 3 and open frame 2.....with the copy of text the active layer......lasso the letter and click in the middle to tighten the ants...image>rotate...30 left..... move the letter down should now be right above the letter in your text......layers>merge close off and re as image psp click the undo button

12)Open frame 1...delete copy of text....layers>merge... close off and re name


Open AS.... click on the aniomation wizard....

1st box....Same size as first image next

2nd next

3rd box...upper left corner of the frame and with canvas color next

4th box....yes repeat the animation indefinitely.... and put 20 in the next

5th box...add your next..

6th finish...

Animation frames.....right click on first frame...frame properties set at 125

Right click on last frame...frame proerties set at 125....these you can change to your liking

Save as and when you come to the Animation quality versus on the custom button and then on the optimization tab and keep the "convert pixels less than 40" but change the "yes blend with this color "to least I had to with mine because blending mine with white made it again you can experiment

Happy sweeping

Thanks Robert for sharing



Way back home