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By: "Peg"

Oil Painting entitled "Timeless" Copyright 1994


When dare we share that which needs to be communed ... I am touched.
Exhorting, eliciting, like kindred souls, connected ... reaching out to one another.
'Tis nearly like the solitary bell, that rings alone above the harbor until,
On distant winds, one hears the whisper of a toll, that comes from far away, to join in harmony.
Melodies of Walden and Thoreau savor on our lips.
As words are shared in deep appreciation, --
We connect in spirit, as one who hears their song,
And yes ... I am touched.

Copyright - 1996

Oil Painting entitled "THE LIGHTHOUSE"
Copyright 1996

When moods are mellow,
Like the cello,
Or violins that play;
When chords abound,
Symphonic sound,
Upon my heart doth lay.

If air is sweet,
With reverent tone
That soothes my troubled soul;
Then I as one
With music blend ...
Again, I am made whole.


Oil Painting entitled "HOMECOMING"
Copyright - 1996

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